From Experience to Intelligence
From Experience to Intelligence

Our Experience

CESO is an international development consultancy with over 40 years of experience providing technical assistance services in the areas of economic, social and organizational development, mainly in international markets. We have implemented more than 500 contracts, in 116 countries, for clients such as the European Commission, the World Bank, the African Development Bank, National Governments, among others. CESO's professionalism, quality and efficiency, recognised by our clients, have consolidated us as a leading company in the international development consulting market.

Assignment Name Country Sector Date
Assignment Name Country Sector Date
0000Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products between Tunisia and EU

The Technical Assistance aims to improve the conditions of access to goods and services acquired by Tunisia in the European market through the provision of Advisory and Training services, to ensure the development of a permanent and adequate legal monitoring for legislation and governance purposes.

Tunisia Public Sector and Governance2018 / 2019
0001PIMI-II Technical Assistance and Follow-up

Monitor the performance of the Integrated Program for the Maternal and Child Mortality Reduction (II) in Guinea Bissau and recommend for the constant care improvement in order to reduce infant, neonatal and child mortality, is the purpose of this Technical Assistance.

Guinea-Bissau Social Affairs2018 / 2021
0002Support Program for Strengthening National Statistical Capacities

The program will contribute to strengthening the national statistical system and macroeconomic forecasts. Specifically, it will make it possible to provide statistical quality data to users for the design, monitoring and evaluation of development policies and programs, including the National Plan for Economic and Social Development.

Burkina Faso Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2017 / 2021
0003Study for the re-launching of the textile cotton chain

The study will focus on the three main cotton producing areas of the territory - Gabú, Bafatá and Oio.

Guinea-Bissau Rural Development2018 / 2019
0004Capacity building for Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Integrated Management of Technical Education and Vocational Training

The project will help national entities to achieve an effective and efficient management of technical education and vocational training through mechanisms of integral management, from planning, auditing and monitoring, in order to achieve optimized management of statistics.

Nicaragua Social Affairs2016 / 2018
0005EU - Brazil Sector Dialogues Support Facility (Phase IV)

This Technical Assistance is set in the context of the Fourth Phase of the Initiative to Support the European Union (EU)-Brazil Sectoral Dialogues for the period 2017-2019, aiming to contribute to the advancement and deepening of the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership and bilateral relations, by supporting the development of sectoral dialogues on issues of mutual interest.

Brazil Partnerships and Financing for Development2017 / 2020
0006Development of Multi-Factor Productivity Indicators for Barbados

The overall objective of this assignment was to increase Barbados' competitiveness by stimulating its productivity growth, through the provision of more detailed and accurate information for policy development in the areas of labour, capital, profitability, technology, creativity, innovation and energy.

Barbados Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2017 / 2018
0007Development Plan for the Zambeze Valley Region

With the aim of promoting a more competitive and sustainable rural economy, environmentally balanced, socially stable and attractive, the Zambezi Valley Development Plan aims to contribute to the consolidation of entrepreneurial trust in a healthy and productive institutional framework.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance2016 / 2017
0008Support to the operationalization of the National Agency for Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education and Scientific Research

The project aims at strengthening the partnership between the EU and Morocco, as proposed in the Roadmap of the Advanced Statute, including promoting regulatory convergence between the legislative and institutional framework of Morocco and the standards of the European Union.

Morocco Social Affairs2016 / 2017
0009Multi-Tier Framework for Energy Access Survey in São Tomé and Príncipe

Concerning energy access deficit in the country, the World Bank Group and the ESMAP team, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, Commerce and Blue Economy of São Tomé and Príncipe,  launched the first Global Energy Access household Survey.

Sao Tome and Principe Transport, Environment and Energy2017 / 2018
0010Identification and Formulation of a Stand-Alone Project on Anti-Microbial Resistance

The EU recognises the threat of Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) and is addressing this issue at the highest political level, including the integrated "One-Health" approach, which combines both human and animal health issues.

Uruguay Peru Colombia Chile Brazil Argentina Paraguay Partnerships and Financing for Development2017 / 2018
0011Targeted Support to COMESA Secretariat to Enhance its Regional Trade Integration Agenda

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to sustainable economic development and poverty reduction in the COMESA member states through closer regional integration and increased participation in the global economy.

Zambia Trade and Private Sector2017 / 2018
0012Support for the Elaboration of the National Development Plan 2018-2022

The technical assistance aims to contribute to Angola´s proceed of economic and social development in the medium term, in line with the updated Angola 2025 long-term strategy and its extension by 2050. In this regard, the purpose of technical assistance is to support the Government of Angola in the elaboration of a National Development Plan 2018-2022.The Technical Assistance is carried out in association with ITDC - Investment, Training and Human Development Consulting.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2017 / 2018
0013Gender Equality Assesment of Agro-Investe

Agro-Investe is a programme devised by public and private Mozambican entities with the support of DANIDA (Danish International Development Agency), targeting the development of agricultural value-chains by supporting small and medium producers, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and producer’s associations/cooperatives throughout Mozambique. With the aim of achieving gender equality in access to support services by Gapi-SI/Agro-Investe, the project contains detailed analysis of policies and practices related to gender issues to support recommendations and decisions in this area.

Mozambique Rural Development2016 / 2016
0014Business Plan Competition

The Business Plan Competition aims to mobilize entrepreneurs, or potential entrepreneurs, who have business ideas, who are able to create jobs and can provide markets development, to participate in a program that will allow them to strengthen their capacities and access financial support to promote their initiatives.Based on a strong training component and promoting linkages with Banking Institutions and with investors, the project ensures an intensive component in business development and competition, oriented either to provide "knowledge", as to the "know-how", to empower participants with resources that better enable them to implement their business ideas in their business area.The project is a partnership of CESO Development Consultants with INOVISA, Expertise and PD Consult and has a duration of 3 years.

Guinea-Bissau Trade and Private Sector2016 / 2019
0015Elaboration of a Teacher Training Staff Policy for the National Staff Training Institute (INFQ) of the Ministry of Education

The elaboration of a Teacher Training Policy for the National Staff Training Institute (INFQ), of the Ministry of Education, is in line with both the Teachers Training Master Plan 2008-2015 (PMFP) and the growing demand on teacher performance. Moreover, the Policy will serve as an instrument to the implementation of Action Plan 4 - Training of Teaching Staff and Education Specialists and Researchers – from the National High and Mid-Level Staff Training Plan (PNFQ), and includes:

Angola Social Affairs2015 / 2016
0016Identification and Formulation of Actions for implementation in the framework of the EU's Fiduciary Funds (FF) for Crises for the management of transboundary regions in the Sahel and the basin of Lake Chad

The overall objective is to support the EU in the identification of a set of projects, to be financed under a second tranche of Fiduciary Funds (FF), that will strengthen resilience, food and nutritional security, as well as employment in populations in crisis (transition and post-crisis) in peripheral and transboundary areas of the Sahel and Lake Chad Bassin.

Senegal Nigeria Mali Gambia Chad Cameroon Burkina Faso Rural Development2015 / 2016
0017Technical assistance to the Court of Audits and to the Finance Inspectorate in control audits and public finances

The Technical Assistance (TA) aims to improve public accountability framework and the performance development process of the Court of Auditors and the Inspectorate-General for Finance.

Sao Tome and Principe Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2016 / 2017
0018Evaluation of Public Finances according to PEFA (Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability) methodology – Cape Verde 2015

The PEFA 2016 (Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability) exercise will provide to the Cape Verdian Government an up to date independent evaluation of the Public Finance Management System during the period 2007-2014, tracking progresses since the last PEFA exercise in 2004-2007.

Cape Verde Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2015 / 2016
0019Assistance for the control of the Financial Function

The objective is to allow the department council to meet the challenges that are required in public finance management in order to better meet the commitments vis-a-vis the state and the EU with regards to the process of departmentalization and ‘rupeasation’ of Mayotte.

Mayotte Mauritius Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2016 / 2016
0020Cabinda Integrated Agricultural Development Study

The aim of the study was to contribute to the improvement of the competitiveness of the local economy and the agribusiness environment and to raise and equalize the population’s standards of living, as well as to preserve and enhance the natural environment and cultural heritage of Cabinda.

Angola Rural Development2016 / 2016
0021National Local Development Program (PRODEL)

The Project aims to provide for the Mozambican Government and its Partners an in-depth and critical analysis of the processes related to decentralization, deconcentration and local development, emphasizing, in particular, those associated with governance, finance, community participation, local economic development and inter-institutional coordination.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance2016 / 2018
0022Implementation of a Regional Fisheries Strategy

CESO provides Technical Assistance to the Management Unit of Smartfish II (based in Mauritius) to implement the directives to the mentioned operational program intended to reach the following results:

Mauritius Social Affairs2016 / 2018
0023Study on the Costs and Financing of Higher Education and the Involvement of the Private Sector in Higher Education and Research

The Technical Assistance aimed to provide the Ministry of Higher Education of Angola an analysis of the costs of the Higher Education subsystem and possible financing models, to support Government’s decision-making process.

Angola Social Affairs2016 / 2017
0024Technical Assistance to the Elaboration of the Private Sector Development Strategy

The project's main objective was to equip the government of Sao Tome and Principe with a strategic guidance tool for private sector promotion. The strategy aims to follow-up several studies and strategic papers that reinforce the need to improve the business climate as a pillar for the sustainable economic development of the country. In this context, the instrument is intended to be a solid foundation for:

Sao Tome and Principe Trade and Private Sector2014 / 2015
0025Livestock Action Program Final Evaluation

The Program considers implemented achievements such as, in what concerns the field of tools production, the "know-how" of shepherds, the management of natural resources and the interactions established with other economic activities. It focuses on the Impacts on the ground of previous projects on this field and, in particular on cattle management.

Chad Rural Development2014 / 2014
0026Support to Sectoral Dialogues Brazil-European Union - Phase III

The project is contributing to deepen and enhance the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership and bilateral relations between the parties, by supporting the development of sector dialogues on issues of mutual interest.

Brazil Partnerships and Financing for Development2015 / 2017
0027Capacity Building for the Domestication of Harmonized Policies and Regional Minimum Standards for Communicable Diseases for Angola and Mozambique

In order to attain the Harmonized Policies and Regional Minimum Standards for Communicable Diseases in Angola and Mozambique, the project included the training of senior management staff in these countries’ health sector.

Mozambique Botswana Angola Social Affairs2015 / 2015
0028Capacity Building on Environmental and Social Protection Policy

The mission "Capacity Building of Technical National Environmental Assessment Agency (CAIA) on Environmental Protection and Social Policy" is part of a wider Technical Assistance to the Extractive Industry Sector of Guinea-Bissau (PATSIE), whose overarching goal is to improve the sector's governance and institutional performance by mainstreaming social and environmental sustainability in future investments.

Guinea-Bissau Transport, Environment and Energy2015 / 2016
0029Elaboration of a Public Finance Reform Programme

The project contributed to the larger objective of supporting the Government of Guinea-Bissau, in particular the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in the improvement of the country’s financial governance.

Guinea-Bissau Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2016 / 2016
0030Evaluation of the Public Finance Management in the Mozambique System, according the PEFA Methodology (2015)

The PEFA 2016 (Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability) exercise will equip the Government of Mozambique with an up to date independent evaluation of the Public Finance Management System during the period 2012-2014, tracking progresses since the last PEFA exercises of 2010 and 2008. Widely considered as a cornerstone to improved public finance reform, the team employed  the 2011 version of the Performance Measurement Framework (31 indicators) and prepared the ground for the next PEFA exercise by establishing a baseline for the indicators of the upcoming 2015 version of the Performance Measurement Framework (currently in pilot version).

Mozambique Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2015 / 2016
0031Formulation and Implementation of the Monitoring and Evaluation System of the National Strategy of Poverty Reduction

The technical assistance to the Elaboration and Implementation of the Monitoring and Evaluation system to the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper aims more and better public investment, in order to contribute for Sao Tome and Principe’s development goals.

Sao Tome and Principe Public Sector and Governance2014 / 2015
0032Low carbon business action in Brazil

The present project is one of the implementation actions promoted through the Partnership Instrument (PI), that operationalizes the Joint Action Plan - III (2015-2017), under the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership.

Brazil Trade and Private Sector2015 / 2018
0033Elaboration and Implementation of a Mining Policy

The project aims to contribute to maximize the positive potential wealth for future mining and minimize the risk that such wealth can put in a fragile environment. It also aims to improve governance and institutional performance to the extractive industries.

Guinea-Bissau Transport, Environment and Energy2015 / 2016
0034Technical Assistance to the Coordination of the Cooperation Programme PALOP-TL and European Union

The overarching goal is to enhance regional integration among PALOP and East Timor through the strengthening of cooperation and promoting knowledge exchanges. The current EU - PALOP-TL relationship follows the Multiannual Indicative Programme for the period 2014-2020 (11th EDF), and it is coordinated by the National Authorising Officer in Mozambique. The Programme has as priority sectors:

PALOP-TL Sao Tome and Principe Mozambique Guinea-Bissau Cape Verde Angola East Timor Partnerships and Financing for Development2015 / 2019
0035Power Transmission and Distribution System Development Project in Six Islands of Cape Verde. Monitoring, Evaluation of Environmental and Social Management Plan

This technical assistance supports the Special Projects Management Unit of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Energy in monitoring the construction works to improve the energy infrastructure and providing a quality electricity service in six islands - Santo Antão, São Vicente, Sal, Santiago, Fogo and Maio.

Cape Verde Transport, Environment and Energy2014 / 2017
0036Study on Promoting access to business opportunities and Improving Information Management

This project assisted the Northern Corridor Transit Transport Coordination Authority (TTCA) in evaluating the economic potential of the region (including Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Tanzania), in order to attract national and international investors.

Uganda Tanzania South Sudan Rwanda Kenya Democratic Republic of the Congo Chad Burundi Transport, Environment and Energy2014 / 2014
0037Design of the Vocational Counselling and Guidance System in the scope of the National Professional Qualifications System

In order to bridge the gap between the education system and labour market, a Vocational Counselling and Guidance System was designed by promoting greater compatibility between the interests and skills of students and job opportunities.

Mozambique Social Affairs2014 / 2015
0038Technical Assistance to the Multi Municipal Utility

The project supports the creation and operational startup of the Multi Municipal Utility Águas de Santiago, which results from a merging of the Santiago Island’s municipal water and sanitation utilities into one service provider.

Cape Verde Transport, Environment and Energy2014 / 2017
0039Revision of the Industrial Development Hubs’ Legal Framework and their Organic Statutes

This intervention contributed to identify legal shortcomings of previous draft legislation on the legal status of Industrial Development Hubs (PDIs), and developed a model of governance that is more affordable and ensures an effective, efficient and sustainable management.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2014 / 2014
0040Support to Employment Creation in Mongolia

The project aims to promote job creation, particularly for the most vulnerable, support inclusive and sustainable development through promotion of quality employment focusing on the non-mining sector, through targeted interventions to consolidate specific value chains where Mongolia has potential comparative advantages.

Mongolia Social Affairs2014 / 2015
0041Support for the National Planning and Statistical System

Following a 10 years socio-political crisis, the project aims at supporting the Ivorian Government through strengthening its development planning. Therefore, the general goal of the project is to help attain Ivory Coast’s development goals, which are stated in the National Development Plan (PND) by strengthening the PND planning, implementation, reporting and updating process.The project will help the Government correcting one of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Document (DSRP) main weaknesses, namely the lack of effective sector policies, through the elaboration of sector policies which are coherent with the PND and which can be quantified in pilot sectors.

Ivory Coast Public Sector and Governance2014 / 2017
0042Technical Assistance to the National Institute of Evaluation, Accreditation and Recognition of Higher Education Studies

The intervention involves the organization of training and capacity building workshops for 40 senior staff at the INAAREES, other departments of the Ministry of Higher Education and higher education institutions in the following areas: Institutional Quality Systems, Organisational Management and Leadership, Quality Assurance Systems in Higher Education, Evaluation Systems and Courses Accreditation, Evaluation Systems and Audit, Skills and Higher Studies Recognition Systems.

Angola Social Affairs2014 / 2014
0043Elaboration of Training and Productivity Boost Programs in Large National Companies

The technical assistance aimed to contribute to the promotion of diversification of the Angolan economic structure and to the emergence and development of large Angolan companies and business groups, whose decision centers are based in Angola.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2014 / 2015
0044Interim Evaluation of the Status of Public Finance Management in the Mozambican Ministry of Health

The general objective of this assignment was the independent evaluation of the state of Public Financial Management (PFM) and accounting practices and its progress from 2011 until this date in the Mozambican Ministry of Health (MISAU).

Mozambique Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2014 / 2014
0045Technical Assistance to the Coordination of the Trade Support Programme (PASC)

The overall objective of the Technical Assistance is to coordinate, monitor as well as support the contracting authority (National Authorising Officer, NAO) and the contractors (Trade and Industry Directorate) in the implementation of the Trade Support Programme (PASC).

Sao Tome and Principe Trade and Private Sector2011 / 2014
0046Managing the Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport

The project aimed at improving the managing structure and internal organisation of the Managing Authority of the Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport (SOP-T), in order to remedy the identified shortcomings, to improve the performance of the current Programme (2007-2013) and to contribute to the preparation and implementation of the subsequent Operational Programme.

Romania Transport, Environment and Energy2013 / 2013
0047Identification of the intervention of the 11th EDF for the WASH sector in Sao Tome and Principe (2014-2020)

Support to the Government of Sao Tome and Principe and the EU Delegation in identifying the best intervention in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to be carried out in the period 2014-2020, with funding from the 11nd European Development Fund (EDF).

Sao Tome and Principe Transport, Environment and Energy2013 / 2013
0048Assistance to the General Directorate of Roads and Land Transport

The techcnical assistance focused on two components:

Guinea-Bissau Transport, Environment and Energy2013 / 2014
0049Institutional Capacity Building for the Management of the Public Investment Programme

This intervention aims at strengthening the institutional capacity of the National Directorate for Public Investment (DNIP) and the sectoral and provincial offices of Studies, Planning and Statistics (GEPEs) in the processes of programming, management, implementation and evaluation of projects funded by public resources. This way, the project contributes to the achievement of national development priorities, as defined by the Long Term Development Strategy “Angola 2025”.

Angola Social Affairs2013 / 2016
0050Technical Assistance to the Elaboration of the Action Plan for the Industrialisation Programme of Angola 2013-2017

The project aimed at detailing the intervention logic for the industrialisation programme, namely through the specification of the strategic guidelines for the industrialisation of the programme’s priority sectors (agribusiness and beverages, textile, clothing and footwear, wood and paper, basic metallurgy, non-metallic minerals and construction materials, metallic products and transport materials, chemical products including pharmaceuticals and recycling), as well as the investment framework and the programme’s impact on the territory.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2014 / 2014
0051National High and Mid-Level Staff Training: Strategy (ENFQ) and Plan (PNFQ) formulation and Technical Assistance to its Implementation

With the overarching view to strengthen the competitiveness, innovativeness and regional integration of Angola’s economy through the development of its human potential at the national scale, a set of three inter-dependent and complementary projects were set in motion targeting the enhancement of national workforce’s capacities from the formulation of a strategy and corresponding to the currently ongoing assistance in their implementation.The first phase (09-2010 to 12-2011) was focused on the manpower development strategy ellaboration, entitled “Definition of the National High and Mid-Level Staff Training Strategy (ENFQ)”. 

Angola Social Affairs2010 / 2021
0052Capacity and Business Process Review to the Managing Authority for Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport

The project aimed at improving the managing structure and internal organisation of the Managing Authority of the Sectoral Operational Programme for Transport (SOP-T), in order to remedy the identified shortcomings, to improve the performance of the current Programme (2007-2013) and to contribute to the preparation and implementation of the subsequent Operational Programme.

Romania Transport, Environment and Energy2013 / 2013
0053Technical Assistance to the National Authorising Officer of the European Development Fund - Development of Institutional Capacities in the Framework of Modernising the Civil Service

The project seeks to support institutional reforms in the planning sector, in the context of modernisation and decentralization of public administration, as well as to contribute to a better use of the external resources provided by the EDF, in accordance with the development strategy for Angola.

Angola Partnerships and Financing for Development2012 / 2017
0054Coordination and Implementation of the Stigma Index of People Living with HIV in Mozambique

The project aimed to help reduce the stigma and defend the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Mozambique.

Mozambique Social Affairs2012 / 2013
0055Technical Assistance to the Elaboration of the Health Sector Attraction and Retention Strategy

The project aimed at defining the National Human Resources Attraction and Retention Strategy for the short-, medium- and long-term staff of the Health National System (HNS). The Strategy aimed at reducing the number of qualified health profissionals leaving the public health service by improving the motivation and job satisfaction. The availability of well trained and motivated health workers is an essential condition to achieve health-related development objectives, in particular within the framework of primary and maternal care. The elaboration of the strategy took into consideration the technical implementation capacity, legal and administrative environment, sustainability, and factors external to the intervention capacity of the Ministry of Health.

Mozambique Social Affairs2012 / 2013
0056Technical Assistance to the Elaboration of Public Investment Programme 2013-2017

The project aimed to contribute to an effective and efficient programming and management of public investment, in line with national priorities.

Angola 2012 / 2012
0057Formulation and Update Study of the Training Institute for Economic and Financial Management (IGEF) of Portuguese-Speaking African Countries (PALOP) and East Timor

The project envisaged to contribute to the improvement of economic governance and, consequently, to the socioeconomic development and to the improvement of the living conditions of the PALOP (Portuguese-Speaking African Countries: Mozambique, Cape Verde, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe) countries and East Timor's population.

East Timor Sao Tome and Principe Mozambique Guinea-Bissau Cape Verde Angola PALOP-TL Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2012 / 2013
0058Technical Assistance to the Elaboration of the National Medium-Term Development Plan 2013-2017 and the National Development Plan 2013

The intervention consisted in the development of the main medium-term planning tool for 2013-2017, in line with the long-term development strategy for 2025 (Angola 2025).

Angola Public Sector and Governance2012 / 2012
0059Gender Assessment of the Purchase for Progress Programme (P4P)

The project aimed to improve the knowledge of the characteristics of gender relations prevailing locally and their implications in the different stages of the agricultural value chain, including the corresponding opportunities and challenges.

Mozambique Social Affairs2012 / 2012
0060Study on European Union (EU) and Member State Competencies linked to the Dialogue Areas included in the South Africa / European Union Strategic Partnership

The overall objective of the programme of which this contract was a part of was to strengthen relations between the European Union and South Africa.

South Africa Partnerships and Financing for Development2012 / 2012
0061Training Programme on Project Preparation for Regional Economic Communities of CEEAC, CEMAC, CEDEAO, UEMOA

This Training Programme addressed the Francophone Regional Economic Communities - the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) and the Economic Community of Central African States (CEEAC).

Nigeria Central African Republic Burkina Faso Public Sector and Governance2012 / 2012
0062Training Programme on Project Preparation for Regional Economic Communities CARICOM, OECS, COMESA and SADC

The project aimed at consolidating, and even creating, where absent, the necessary capacity that would enable ACP countries (African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States) to craft trade policies with a view to achieving sustainable development, poverty reduction and successful integration into the global trading system. Specifically it was focused on the capacity building of regional economic communities - CARICOM (Caribbean Community), OECS (Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States), COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), SADC (Southern Africa Development Community) - on project design as a strategy to accelerate the implementation of the 10th EDF Regional Indicative Programmes (RIPs) and boost the preparation of the upcoming 11th EDF by means of reinforcing participation in policy-making and project identification and formulation related tasks.  The training sessions/workshop consisted on a tool to prepare Project Identification Fiches (IFs)  to be submitted to the European Union Delegation for further assessment by the QSG. Hands-on approach was the critical method used to share knowledge on how to design projects according to the EC aid delivery methods. The training program was based on teaching blocks organised around learning objectives. Each teaching block involved a practical exercise that would later become a piece of the final outcome of the training Program: a Draft Project Identification Fiche.As part of the practical assignments carried out to consolidate the different teaching blocks, the participants prepared PIFs (Project Identification Fiches), including:• “Technical Assistance to the Caribbean Regional Information and Translation Institute”;• “Institutional Support for Fight Against Crime and Promotion of Security”;• “Develop a Regime for Free Circulation of Goods in the CSME”.

Zambia Botswana Saint Lucia Guyana Public Sector and Governance2012 / 2012
0063Design of the Information and Technology Systems Development Plan of the National Statistical Institute (INE)

The major objective of the project is to ensure that the Information and Technology Systems are aligned with the mission of the National Statistical Institute (INE), namely: • Improving the efficiency and quality of information collection, analysis, storage and dissemination (internal, associated with its organisational development - processes, technology and people); • Improving the quality of INE's service delivery to clients (external), and thus improving its credibility and value as an institution.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2006 / 2007
0064Technical Assistance for Training in Supervision of Financial Institutions

The project aims the training of BNA staff for the exercise of their role as supervisors, by conducting direct inspections of financial institutions under their supervision and indirect inspections based on the analysis of information made available by them.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2009 / 2010
0065Multi-Annual Review of Protection of Basic Services Programme (PBS)

The project aims to review the Protection of Basic Services (PBS II) performance, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability in achieving the intended outcomes and to make recommendations on the design and implementation of phase III of the programme (PBS III)in the following dimensions:

Ethiopia Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2012 / 2012
0066Formulation and Update Study - Economic and Financial Management Training Institute (IGEF)

The project envisaged to contribute to the improvement of economic governance and, consequently, to the socioeconomic development and to the improvement of the living conditions of the PALOP (Portuguese-Speaking African Countries: Mozambique, Cape Verde, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe) countries and East Timor's population.

PALOP Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2012 / 2013
0067Technical Assistance to the Implementation of the Training and Employability Activities of the Human Resources Development Support Programme (PADRHU)

The technical assistance focused on supporting the training and employability actions, at national level, thus contributing to strengthen competitiveness of Sao Tome and Principe through the promotion of employment. The intervention had three main components:

Sao Tome and Principe Social Affairs2011 / 2011
0068Non State Actores Support Program

The Non-State Actors Support Programme contributes to the consolidation of good governance through the reinforcement of the participation, cooperation and commitment of Non-State Actors (NSA) with the development

Guinea-Bissau Partnerships and Financing for Development2011 / 2016
0069International Technical Assistance to the National Agricultural Extension

The PRONEA aimed to raise incomes and food security of small farmers’ households, including those managed by women and disadvantaged groups, through a continuous improvement of production effectiveness.

Mozambique Rural Development2011 / 2013
0070Institutional Strengthening in Energy Management and Planning for the Ministry of Energy

This project contributed to the sustainable use of traditional biofuels in major urban areas (Maputo, Beira, Nampula and Quelimane) and to increase access to adequate energy services in rural areas, by strengthening the energy planning capacity and staff management at the Ministry of Energy, both at central and provincial levels.

Mozambique Transport, Environment and Energy2011 / 2013
0071Support for the Review of the Strategy of EU Intervention in the Rural Development Sector

The overall objective of this study is the ex-post evaluation of the three projects implemented under the 9th EDF and subsequently on the basis of this analysis, provides strategic direction for future EU interventions in the rural development sector.Specific objectives:• Evaluate the implementation of three projects ACT II, STABEX and Plant Protection, in terms of objectives achieved and management made by the PMU (Project Management Units);• Provide recommendations regarding future directions and provide guidance on strategic improvements to be expected in any future EU interventions in the rural development sector.

Guinea-Bissau Rural Development2011 / 2012
0072Final Assessment: Programme Facilitation of the EU-Mexico Free Trade Agreement

The final evaluation under Technical and Administrative Provisions (TAPs) of PROTLCUEM funding Convention, provided the government of Mexico, foreign aid services of the European Commission (EC), stakeholders and the public sufficient information to:

Mexico Trade and Private Sector2011 / 2011
0073Preparation of the Joint Progress Report for the Mid-Term Review of the 10th European Development Regional Strategy Paper and Regional Indicative Programme

The objective of the assignment is to provide the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) Regional Strategy Paper and Regional Indicative Programme (RSP/RIP) with an assessment of the coherence between the national strategies and programmes and that the regional programme supported under the RSP/RIP.

Tanzania Swaziland Namibia Mozambique Lesotho Botswana Angola Partnerships and Financing for Development2011 / 2011
0074Study of the Agricultural Sector in the Process ECOWAP / CAADP (Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme)

The Ministries of Rural Development (Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries) therefore wish to strengthen their sectoral planning and programming capacity to extract a Priority Action Plan of the National Agricultural Policy (PAP-SAN) credible and applicable over the period 2012 -2014, from the National Agricultural Investment and Food Security Plan (PNIASA) over 5 years.

Guinea Conakry Rural Development2011 / 2011
0075Evaluation of the Strategic Plan for Education and Culture 2006-2010/11

This evaluation involved an analysis of the main indicators of the education sector in 2010, the actions of the strategic plan completed by that date, the implementation and the impact of major sector reforms designed to achieve the main objectives of the strategic plan, the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation mechanisms used in the sector (including financing), as well as the mechanisms established for performance monitoring and evaluation.

Mozambique Social Affairs2010 / 2011
0076Technical Assistance to Non-State Actors in Angola

The overall objective of this service is the strengthening of the capacity of potential applicants in preparing a grant application for the procedures of the European Union and also training in planning strategies, objectives of the organisation and its instrumentation.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2011 / 2012
0077Consultancy on Salaries and Benefits for Service Contract Holders

The project recommended a new Service Contract Salary Scale for the United Nations Development Programme Office in Angola, after carrying out a benchmark analysis of salary scales and benefits earned by a sample of comparable organisations.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2012 / 2013
0078Technical Assistance to the National Programme of Rural Extension (PRONEA)

The PRONEA aimed to raise incomes and food security of small farmers’ households, including those managed by women and disadvantaged groups, through a continuous improvement of production effectiveness.

Mozambique Rural Development2011 / 2013
0079Salary Survey for UNDP Employed Service Contract Personnel/Staff

The project recommended a new Service Contract Salary Scale for the United Nations Development Programme Office in Angola, after carrying out a benchmark analysis of salary scales and benefits earned by a sample of comparable organisations.

Angola Social Affairs2011 / 2013
0080Evaluation and Support for the Review of the EU intervention strategy in the rural development sector: AGIR II

The overall objective of this study is the ex-post evaluation of the three projects implemented under the 9th EDF and subsequently on the basis of this analysis, provides strategic direction for future EU interventions in the rural development sector.

Guinea-Bissau Rural Development2011 / 2011
0081Promotion of the Rule of Law and Civic Education in Malawi, Final evaluation

The main objective of the assignment is to evaluate how far the purpose and expected results of the "Promotion of the Rule of Law and Civic Education in Malawi" project, as expressed in the Financing Agreement, have been achieved. Contrary to the Mid-term review exercise, this evaluation will assess both components of the project, i.e. the Rule of Law (RoL) component as well as the Civic Education (NICE) component. Special focus will be on effectiveness, impact and sustainability while the experts will also be required to provide an opinion on relevance and efficiency of the project.

Malawi Public Sector and Governance2011 / 2011
0082Technical Assistance to the Accounting Directorate

The overall objective of the programme in which this project is inserted is to contribute to the progress of public finance reform in Sao Tome and Principe in the context of governance improvement that contribute to the socioeconomic development of the country and improve the living conditions of the population of Sao Tome and Principe.

Sao Tome and Principe Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2011 / 2012
0083Technical Assistance to the Project “Support to Sectoral Dialogues Brazil-European Union” - Phase II

The project contributed to the progress and deepening of the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership and bilateral relations between the parties by supporting the development of sectoral dialogues on issues of mutual interest.

Brazil Partnerships and Financing for Development2011 / 2015
0084Redesign of the State Planning System of the Bahía Federal State

The intervention consisted in the redesign of the Bahia State Planning System, the institutional remodelling of the structures within that system and the implementation follow-up.

Brazil Public Sector and Governance2011 / 2013
0085Formulation of a Trade-Related Facility Programme

The main objective of the project is to provide expert assistance to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in the preparation of the Trade Related Facility in the SADC Region, a programme expected to be funded by the European Development Fund (EDF) under the Annual Action programme (AAP) 2012.

South Africa Botswana Trade and Private Sector2011 / 2012
0086Institutional Support to Regulatory Bodies in the Demining Sector

The project aims to support the institutional development of government bodies responsible for demining in the national territory.

Angola Partnerships and Financing for Development2011 / 2017
0087Definition of the National High and Mid-Level Staff Training Strategy (ENFQ)

The consultancy produced a guidance document for the technical and scientific capacity to be created in Angola in order to sustainably respond to the country’s human resources needs resulting from the priorities set by the country's development strategy, namely for the implementation and management of the more relevant investment projects, particularly those that are integrated into clusters and priority value chains, and for the development of various sectors of the economy.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2010 / 2012
0088Monitoring and Implementation Group for the National Human Resources Development Plan (PNDRHS) 2008-2015 in the Ministry of Health

The Technical Assistance supported the Mozambican authorities to coordinate the PNDRHS implementation (focused on increasing the availability and improving the quality of human resources and strengthening their management). The intervention focused on the planning and organisation of human resources, financial management, monitoring and evaluation of actions.

Mozambique Social Affairs2009 / 2012
0089Creation of a Regular Employment & Labour Market Observation and Information System in the Ministry of Labour

The consultancy involved the creation of a Labour Market Observation System (LMOS) and its respective Information System (LMIS), which, linked to other existing information systems, make available information relating to the main goals of employment, social and economic policies (promotion of employment and skills, poverty levels reduction). Within the project, the architecture of the Information System was developed.

Mozambique Social Affairs2010 / 2011
0090Technical Assistance to the National Statistics Directorate

The overall objective of the project was to assist the DNE (National Statistics Directorate) to prepare and implement HIES (Household Income and Expenditure Survey) as an ongoing or non-stop monthly survey of households to collect reliable data on private household consumption, expenditures and income as input to the national statistics.

East Timor Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2010 / 2011
0091Technical Assistance to the Implementation of the Presidential Decree on Public Investment (Decree 31/10, of 12 April)

The project contributed to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the procedural framework for public investment, making it one of the main vectors of the national development project.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2010 / 2011
0092Consulting Services for the Knowledge Agenda - Social Protection in Brazil

This mission aimed to produce a diagnosis on the potential of productive inclusion of the people enrolled in the Federal Government’s Single Registry for Social Programmes (CadÚnico). The diagnosis was carried out in selected municipalities around large oil and mining industrial units to support the development of public policies promoting productive inclusion.

Brazil Social Affairs2010 / 2010
0093Support to the Creation of a Centre for Research and Analysis of Trade Statistics (CRASCOM)

This project contributed to a more effective integration of Congo in the international economy, through the establishment of a Centre for Research and Analysis of Trade Statistics, which is an interface between public and private statistical information providers and users (or clients).

Democratic Republic of the Congo Trade and Private Sector2010 / 2010
0094Final Evaluation of the Support to China's Integration into the World Trading System - World Trade Organisation

The overall objective of the European Union-China Trade Project (EUCTP) was to support the further integration of China into the world economy, to assist the Chinese government in implementing its obligations under, and commitments in, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and to increase China's capacity in the process of wider economic, regulatory, legal and administrative reform necessary for further trade liberalisation in order to promote economic development.

China Trade and Private Sector2010 / 2010
0095Capacity Builiding Workshop, Improve Trade Policy Formulation, Implementation of Customs Union and the Integration of COMESA Member States into the Multilateral Trading System

The project aimed to strengthen the participation of COMESA Member States in the WTO negotiations and to promote and defend their rights and commercial and economic interests. A capacity building workshop took place in Nairobi, Kenya, with the participation of two government representatives of each COMESA country.

Zambia Kenya Trade and Private Sector2010 / 2010
0096Inter-Provincial Plan for Territorial Planning (PIPOT) of the Lunda-Norte, Lunda-Sul and Moxico provinces

The project contributed to the socioeconomic development of the Lunda-Norte, Lunda-Sul and Moxico provinces, through the preparation of land-use plans that can promote economic and social development, social welfare, environmental protection and the quality of life of citizens

Angola Transport, Environment and Energy2008 / 2010
0097Serbian Health Sector status with respect to Cancer Prevention and Treatment

The project aims to provide to the Delegation of the EU in Serbia an overview of the health sector in Serbia with respect to the prevention and treatment of cancer, and to prepare the technical specifications for equipment to be procured within the scope of the 6.6 million Euro IPA 2009 (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) project “Implementation of the National screening programme for the colorectal, cervical and breast cancer”.

Serbia Social Affairs2010 / 2010
0098Technical Assistance for Feasibility Study and Drafting of Financial Proposal for the Health Sector Improvement and Reform Programme

The objective of this project is to support the Government's public sector reform process with particular emphasis on the health sector thereby improving the potential of the population to live healthier and more productive lives.

Saint Vincent and Grenadines Social Affairs2010 / 2010
0099Ex-post Evaluation Program: Development of Trade and Investment Promotion

The project overall objective is to improve the flow of foreign trade and investments between Bolivian and European companies as mechanisms that promote sustainable economic development, employment growth, sustained growth of the Bolivian business base, and contribute to the fight against poverty.

Bolívia Trade and Private Sector2010 / 2010
0100Final Evaluation of the Customs Modernisation and Trade Facilitation Project in SADC

The final evaluation will address the design, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and potential impact of the project as outlined below. In particular, reference will be made to the implementation arrangements and procedures, in order to assess how effective they were in delivering the outputs, and to make recommendations for the smooth adoption of project outputs by the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

Zambia South Africa Mauritius Malawi Botswana SADC Countries Trade and Private Sector2010 / 2010
0101Monitoring of EU Education and Health Expenditure in Developing Countries

The project supported the qualitative and quantitative monitoring of expenditure on education and health in developing countries and promoted public debate and awareness on the goals already achieved by the European Union assistance in these areas.

Various Social Affairs2010 / 2012
0102Interim Evaluation of the Agricultural Productivity Improvement Programme (PAPA)

The objective of the Agricultural Productivity Improvement Program’s mid-term evaluation is to provide a systematic and objective appreciation of the program’s conception, implementation and of its results (achieved and to be achieved).

Cameroon Rural Development2014 / 2015

The overall objective of this project was to assist the ACP Secretariat in evaluating applications submitted under the call for applications EuropeAid/129417/C/ACT/Multi ARIAL.

ACP (African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States) Public Sector and Governance2010 / 2010
0104Formulation and Feasibility Study for the Non-State Actors Support Program

The feasibility study provided an analysis of various options and possible strategies that the Non-State Actors Support Programme (NSASP II) has available for the support to the Non-State Actors (NSAs).

Angola Partnerships and Financing for Development2010 / 2010
0105Research-Action on the Management of Flood-Prone Areas in the Zambezi Basin

The project identified resistant livelihoods for communities living or exploring flood-prone areas in the Zambezi Valley, by developing strategies and management scenarios for such areas.

Mozambique Transport, Environment and Energy2009 / 2012
0106Technical Assistance to the National Secretariat of SADC

The project aims to enhance the integration and participation of Angola in multilateral trade and global economy specifically in the COMESA-EAC-SADC, African Union (AU), Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), and World Trade Organization (WTO). 

Angola Trade and Private Sector2009 / 2011
0107Consultancy Services for National Sector Profile Study for Mozambican Tourism, Mining, Fishery and Construction Sectors

The project  aimed at updating the knowledge of comprehensive sector profiles, namely on Tourism, Mining, Energy, Fisheries and Construction, providing an update of recent changes, the current situation and the key challenges these sectors face. Specifically, CESO analysed the sector, the labour market, the organisational and technological profile, the workforce profile, the occupational structure (types of qualifications and salary levels) and the types of industrial relations (types of contracts).

Mozambique Transport, Environment and Energy2009 / 2011
0108Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Environment, Rural Development and Sea Resources

The project aimed to improve the management capacity of the agricultural sector, by providing technical assistance to the General Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock on the programming, appraisal and implementation of EU funding, but also on specialised topics: protected crops and micro-irrigation, horticulture, plant protection, packaging, marketing of tropical fruits and vegetables.

Cape Verde Rural Development2009 / 2010
0109Technical Assistance to Cape Verde in the Area of Customs Reform in response to World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) Obligations and Commitments

The project aimed to support and facilitate Cape Verde’s participation in the multilateral trading system, thus enabling the country’s productive sectors to take advantage of the integration into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and liberalised trade. Based on the Action Plan prepared in a previous project, the objective was to increase de degree of compliance of customs in Cape Verde with the rules and obligations of the World Customs Organisation and the WTO.

Cape Verde Trade and Private Sector2009 / 2010
0110Decentralisation and Local Governance Project: Technical Assistance and Training in Planning and Budgeting for Municipalities

The project aimed to strengthen the planning capacity and resource management of 18 municipalities from four provinces (Bie, Bengo, North Kuanza and Malanje).

Angola Public Sector and Governance2009 / 2010
0111Livelihood Diversification (Joint Programme on Environmental Mainstreaming and Adaptation to Climate Change in Mozambique)

The project aimed to identify options for the diversification of community livelihoods and income generation in the district of Chicualacuala and to assess their feasibility.

Mozambique Rural Development2009 / 2009
0112Consultancy for the Design of Short-Term Courses in the Common Area of Public Administration

The project contributed to the sustainability and coherence of the short-term courses in the common area of public administration, through its institutionalisation in the Training Institutes of Public and Municipal Administration (IFAPAs) and in the Higher Institute of Public Administration (ISAP), so that they can effectively play their role as schools of government.

Mozambique 2009 / 2009
0113Identification and formulation of a support project to the reform of the internal security forces in Chad

The objective of this project is to reduce poverty by improving the security of citizens and property. A security force to ensure their mission effectively, professionalism and responsibility under the rule of law is one of the prerogatives of good governance, sector concentration of the 10th European Development Fund (EDF).

Chad Public Sector and Governance2009 / 2009
0114ProInvest: Technical Assistance for the Definition of Integrated Projects in the ACP Region

The global objective of the assignment is to revive institutional capacity building projects in African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries including:

France Togo Ivory Coast Benin Partnerships and Financing for Development2009 / 2009
0115Evaluation of the Support Programme to the Health Sector and Formulation of the New Support Programme to the Health Sector

The objectives of this mission, which met the dynamics of the global context and institutions at central and provincial (including the decentralisation process), in Angola, were:

Angola Social Affairs2009 / 2009
0116Facilitation of a Programme for Non-State Actors in Mozambique

The project ensured all the preparatory process of launching a call for proposals, including the eligibility criteria for Non-State Actors, the grant application form, the information package (goals, thematic areas, eligibility criteria, target groups, etc.) to be published on the webpages of the EC and the government authority indicated by the National Authorising Officer, and to be a focal point for clarifications requested by applicants.

Mozambique Partnerships and Financing for Development2008 / 2009
0117Economic Studies and Statistical Surveys for the Plan and Prospective General Commissioner of the National Statistics Office

The project contributed to improve the quality of medium-term economic information and the implementation of sectoral and regional macroeconomic policies. Specifically, the technical assistance provided advice in the following areas:

Algeria Public Sector and Governance2009 / 2011
0118Rehabilitation of the Tchivinguiro Agrarian Institute (IMAT)

The project aimed to provide the IMAT (Instituto Médio Agrário do Tchinvinguro) with the means to train agricultural professionals able to adapt to different contexts of the Angolan agriculture, making the IMAT a reference to the agricultural technical education in Angola.

Angola Social Affairs1999 / 2003
0119 Identification and Formulation of a Human Development Programme

The aim of this Technical Assistance is to assist in the elaboration of an assessment of the situation of OVC (Orphans and Vulnerable Children) in Lesotho, to allow the completion of the identification and formulation of a complementary appropriate and sustainable feasibility programme in the measures covered by a budget of 27M Euros.

Lesotho Social Affairs2009 / 2010
0120Updating information about scholarship programmes for the academic year 2010-2011

The project aims to increase attractiveness of European higher education and to promote scholarship opportunities for undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD students and for academic staff and to strengthen university cooperation between EU and Russian universities.

Russia Social Affairs2009 / 2009
0121Technical Assistance for Planning, Implementation and Reporting on the Greenland Education Program

The main purpose of this project is to assist the "Greenland's Home Rule Government" (GHRG) in the planning, implementation and reporting of the "Greenland Education Programme".

Greenland Denmark Social Affairs2007 / 2008
0122Technical Assistance for Training in Supervision of Financial Institutions

Within the Technical Assistance Project for Economic Management, this assignment provided training to the staff of the Department of Supervision of Financial Institutions of the National Bank of Angola, in a large number of tools related with the enlargement of their critical capabilities in the execution, analysis and assessment in the matters related with the supervision of the institutions of the financial system.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2012 / 2014
0123Euromed Youth IV Preparation

The project aimed to ensure adequate conditions for the launch of Phase IV of the "Euro-Med Youth Programme", a programme aiming at promoting mobility of young people between EU Member States and eight Mediterranean Partner Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Tunisia, Israel).

Turkey Morocco Algeria Syria Palestinian Authority Lebanon Jordan Israel Social Affairs2009 / 2010
0124Feasibility Study for a Legal Sector Strengthening Programme in The Gambia

The project aims to improve governance and democratic accountability, by strengthening the legal sector of the Gambia  and to guide effective use of EU funding through a feasibility assessment, considering various options, in the formulation of the “Legal Strengthening Programme” (LSSP).

Gambia Public Sector and Governance2010 / 2010
0125Technical Assistance to the Restructuring of the Studies, Planning and Statistics Office (GEPE) of the Ministry of Health of Angola (MINSA)

The project aimed to increase the effectiveness of the organisation and functioning of the GEPE, in order to ensure a qualitative and quantitative improvement in the programmes and projects managed by the Ministry, in particular in regards to their monitoring and evaluation.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2008 / 2009
0126Technical Assistance to the Reinforcement of the National Tax Directorate (DNI)

Within the Technical Assistance Project for Economic Management, this intervention contributed to increase non-oil tax revenues in Angola.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2008 / 2009
0127Agro-Livestock Development Programme for the Camabatela's Plateau

The project promoted a development strategy for the region of the Camabatela plateau, through the concentration of skills and knowledge, the creation of functional business groups and of an informal network between those groups.

Angola Rural Development2008 / 2009
0128Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Plan and Finance

The project contributed to the implementation of the economic and financial programme supported by the IMF, through the Financing Program for Poverty Reduction and Growth. The Ministry of Plan and Finance was advised in the implementation and monitoring of that programme, especially in the area of public finances, in the development of a monitoring tool and a mediumterm expenditure framework, which was implemented on a trial basis in the infrastructure sector.

Sao Tome and Principe Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2008 / 2009
0129Technical Assistance to the Industrial Property Institute in Geographical Indications (Intellectual Property Regulations)

The project aimed to improve the business environment in Mozambique and, consequently, to promote private sector growth in the country. To this end, it supported the Industrial Property Institute in defining and implementing a functional system of protection and promotion of geographical indications.

Mozambique Trade and Private Sector2008 / 2009
0130Master Plan for the Island of Mozambique

The Master Plan consisted of an integrated and sustainable development programme for the island as a World Heritage Site, and its coastal area (target area).

Mozambique Social Affairs2008 / 2009
0131Audit of Internal Debt of Guinea-Bissau 2000/2007

The project aimed to strengthen the public finance system and improve its effective use. To this end, the Technical Assistance organised, updated and completed the records of internal debt arrears, had them validated by the authorities and development partners, and established a global programme for the clearance and settlement of internal debt arrears for the period 2000 to 2007.

Guinea-Bissau Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2008 / 2009
0132National Irrigation Plan for Angola (PLANIRRIGA) - Phase II: Economic, Social and Financial Feasibility Analysis

PLANIRRIGA is a plan to support regional and national development, based on the sustainable development of irrigated agriculture in all river basins in Angola.

Angola Rural Development2008 / 2008
0133Study on the Trade in Services in Mali

The project contributed to the economic development in Mali and its integration in the Multilateral Trade System, through the development of the services sector. Specifically, the Technical Assistance evaluated the potential for development of the services sector and supported Mali in the negotiations of the Economic Partnership Agreement on trade in services.

Mali Trade and Private Sector2008 / 2008
0134Assessment of Public Finance Management using the PEFA methodology

The present project aims to support the sustained reform Public Finance Management (PFM) in Cape Verde through  an in-depth analysis based on the “Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability” (PEFA) method.

Cape Verde Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2008 / 2008
0135Elaboration of the Public Service Gender Strategy and corresponding Implementation Plan

The elaboration of the Public Service Gender Strategy and its Implementation Plan, within the framework of the Gender Policy and the National Action Plan for the Advancement of Women, it aimed to:

Mozambique Social Affairs2008 / 2008
0136Mid-term Evaluation of the Support to the Association Agreement Programme

The overall objective of the mission is the mid-term evaluation and the subsequent recommendations of the Support to the Association Agreement Programme (SAAP) performance in terms of the effective achievement of its objectives.

Egypt Public Sector and Governance2008 / 2008
0137Implementation of a Regional Forum for the Improvement of the Business Environment in the region of CEMAC

The project's overall objective is to create a regional platform for dialogue between employers and the public authorities with the aim of improving the business environment in the region, particularly through concerted and harmonized actions.

Sao Tome and Principe Gabon Chad Central African Republic Cameroon Trade and Private Sector2008 / 2008
0138Training Needs Analysis of the Botswana Unified Revenue Service

 The project aims to improve further effectiveness by enhancing the capabilities of its workforce in order to meet the challenges of tax administration reform.

Botswana Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2008 / 2008
0139Assessment of Trade Needs and Trade-related Technical Assistance in Guinea-Bissau

The project aimed to contribute for a more effective participation of Guinea-Bissau in the multilateral and regional trade system, and to economic growth and poverty reduction in the country. More specifically, the evaluation was aimed to define a strategy aiming at stimulating trade, especially with the European Union.

Guinea-Bissau Trade and Private Sector2008 / 2008
0140Formulation Mission: China - Europe Public Administration Reform projects (Phase II)

The project aims to define the new EU-China cooperation framework in the identified sector as envisaged in the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for 2007-2013 and the corresponding Multi-annual Indicative Programme.

China Public Sector and Governance2008 / 2008
0141Technical Assistance to the Support Project to the Development of the Judicial Systems PIR PALOP

The Support Project for the Development of Legal Systems, coordinated by the National Authorizing Officer (NAO), within the PALOP (Portuguese-Speaking African countries) Regional Indicative Programme II, comprised the activities focused on the capacity reinforcement of the judicial officers.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2008 / 2009
0142Functional Analysis of the Ministry of Health of Angola

The project reviewed the role and functions of the Ministry of Health and subordinate bodies, in order to: respond to political priorities; provide efficiency gains in the allocation of staff, use of resources, decision-making and communication systems; improve the service delivery and policy formulation; ensure that all functions and activities are operated at the appropriate organisational and territorial level; improve the resource management systems.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2008 / 2009
0143Strategy, Coordination and Planning in the Water and Sanitation Sector

This project was part of the Strategy, Coordination and Planning in the Water and Sanitation Sector in Sao Tome and Principe, led by the Ministry of Infrastructures and Natural Resources.

Sao Tome and Principe Transport, Environment and Energy2008 / 2010
0144Technical Assistance to the National Electoral Commission of Guinea-Bissau for the 2008 Legislative Elections

The overall objective is to contribute for the consolidation of democracy and stabilization of political situation in Guinea-Bissau through the Community contribution to the election campaign.

Guinea-Bissau Public Sector and Governance2008 / 2008
0145Identification and formulation of project assignment: Follow up the recommendations by the Institute of Equality and Reconciliation of History and Memory

The project has a double objective of, on the one hand making the identification of a project with reasonable sustainability guaranties and, on the other hand, to draft a support programme to this project.

Morocco Partnerships and Financing for Development2008 / 2008
0146Final Evaluation of the European Commission funded programme: the Conflict and Governance (CAGE) Facility

The project aims to evaluate the "Conflict and Governance" (CAGE)  project through a participatory approach whie taking into account criteria such as: relevance, efficiency, and effectiveness, in order to enable key decision-makes in the EC Delegation and South African Government to determine necessary changes.Specific Objectives:• Independent assessment of the programme' performance focusing on the impact of the project actions against its objectives;• Identification of replicable actions and proposal of practical recommendations. • Suggestion of possible future projects to be supported by CAGE in line with current EC financial regulations and development policy;• Assessment of the role of the CAGE Facility in the context of the national policy, research, and knowledge management arenas; • Consideration of expectations held by national and continental stakeholders.

South Africa Partnerships and Financing for Development2008 / 2008
0147Technical Assistance to Manage and Implement the Financial Management Improvement Programme II

The project contributed to strengthen the public finance management capacities at national, provincial and municipal levels.

South Africa Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2008 / 2010
0148Improving governance — empowering civil society

The project aims to provide support to the government of Kosovo in strengthening capacities, drafting policy documents and establishing mechanisms necessary for the further operationalization and implementation of the Government Strategy for Cooperation with Civil Society in that country.

Kosovo Public Sector and Governance2016 / 2020
0149Technical Assistance to the Urban Social Inclusion Project

The project contributed to the social, economic and cultural inclusion of the most vulnerable groups in São Paulo city centre. The service provision of high quality to the Sao Paulo Municipality included:

Brazil Social Affairs2007 / 2010
0150Technical Support to the Institute of Agronomic Research (IIA), the Agricultural Development Institute (IDA) and Seeds National Services Department (SENSE)

The technical assistance was provided within the Emergency Multisectoral Recovery Project (PRME), whose purpose was to assist the government to improve rural livelihoods and increase food security in the provinces most affected by conflict, as well as to strengthen, at all levels, the capacity to formulate, elaborate, implement and manage medium and long-term development projects.

Angola Rural Development2007 / 2011
0151Technical Assistance to the State Secretary for the Entrepreneurial Public Sector

The project provided qualified, permanent and immediate support to the Secretary of State for the Public Business Sector in the creation of contractual arrangements to be used with companies in the public sector and/or with their managers, namely management by objectives contracts and contracts programme.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2007 / 2008
0152Fight Against Exclusion in Guatemala: Institutional Strengthening Contract

The project contributed to the social, economic and political inclusion of poor rural women, particularly indigenous women of Guatemala, by building the capacities of the key institutions of the Government, the Congress and civil society organisations, in order to ensure the inclusion of indigenous and rural women in the preparation and institutionalisation of public policies.

Guatemala Social Affairs2007 / 2008
0153Support to the Public Administration Reform in Egypt: Developing a Reform Strategy for the State Administration at the Central Level

This project overall objective was to support the modernisation of the structure of Egypt's Public Administration at the central level thus contributing to the improvement in its capacity to meet the prequisites of political, economic, and social reform.

Egypt Public Sector and Governance2007 / 2008
0154Technical Assistance to the Elaboration of the Medium-Term Development Plan (PDMP)

The goal of the project is to harmonize various development plans in Angola, in particular the "Medium-Term Development Plan" (MTDP) and "Angola 2025".

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2007 / 2008
0155Implementation of the Programme of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning (MINUA) for 2007/2008

The project contributed to the promotion of the harmonious development of the national territory and to the sustainable and integrated environmental management, through an effective and efficient allocation of resources.

Angola Transport, Environment and Energy2007 / 2008
0156Institutional Framework for the Decentralisation of the Agricultural Sector

The project reviewed the options available for the decentralisation of public services in agriculture, including human resources management. It also considered a general review of powers (decisionmaking, revenue-raising, etc.), responsibilities (service delivery) and resources (financial, human and administrative) assigned and allocated to the different level of administration in the agricultural sector.

Mozambique Rural Development2007 / 2008
0157Training in Methodologies for Programmes and Projects Elaboration, Evaluation, Monitoring and Management

The Technical Assistance aimed to strengthen the capacity of the planning units at the Ministry of Energy and Water (MINEA), its subordinate institutes and offices, and public companies in the Energy and Water sectors in Methodologies of Preparation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Programmes and Projects.

Angola Transport, Environment and Energy2007 / 2008
0158Mid-term Evaluation of a Project to “Support the International Science Park of Panama in the City of Knowledge”

The Evaluation  aimed to promote innovation and technology-creation through a physical structure that supports research and development (R&D) and the dialogue between academia, industry and government.

Panama Partnerships and Financing for Development2007 / 2008
0159Technical Assistance to the Court of Auditors: Budget Execution Monitoring System

The project aimed to support the Court of Auditors in the development of an information system, which would allow the monitoring of the execution of the State Budget.The instrument was intended to interface with all budget management systems of treasury of the state, in order to increase the Court's efficiency.

Cape Verde Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2007 / 2008
0160Benguela's Territorial Development Plan

The project consisted of the elaboration of a territorial development plan (PDT) for the Benguela Province, consistent with the region’s resources and potential and the country’s development strategy in the medium and long term.

Angola Rural Development2007 / 2007
0161Identification of Areas of Governance for Multicountry PALOP Cooperation

The objective of the assignment was the elaboration of a study targeting the PALOP countries (Portuguese-Speaking African Countries: Mozambique, Cape Verde, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe), aimed at identifying cooperation opportunities in the Governance area, providing all elements necessary to finalise identification (Project Identification Fiches) in accordance with European Development Fund (EDF) rules and procedures.

Sao Tome and Principe Mozambique Guinea-Bissau Cape Verde Angola Partnerships and Financing for Development2007 / 2007
0162Support to Project Management Capacity of the Union of Municipalities in Turkey, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and the Confederation of Turkish Trades and Craftsmen

The global objective of this assignment was to allow the Union of Municipalities in Turkey (UMT), the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the Union of Chambers and  Confederation of Turkish Trades and Craftsmen (TESK) and their members/affiliates to play a more active role in the development and implementation of EC financed cooperation programmes and projects in their relevant areas, thereby contributing to Turkey's preparations for accession to the EU.

Turkey Partnerships and Financing for Development2007 / 2007
0163Identification Mission and Training - From the Support Programme to Trade Promotion

The project aims to promote the integration and participation of Algeria in multilateral trading and the global economy through increased quality control and consumer safety. It also aims the identification and feasibility of a programme to support the Ministry of Trade and the “Algerian Centre for Quality Control and Packaging" (CACQE).

Algeria Trade and Private Sector2006 / 2007
0164Poverty Monitoring in Swaziland

The specific objective of the consultancy is to improve the analysis of the impact of ongoing programmes, particularly on economic growth and poverty reduction.

Swaziland Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2007 / 2007
0165Analysis and Simulations in the Electric Energy Sector

The project contributed to the modelling of the electricity market, in order to enable planning in the sector and determine its impact in medium-term development in Angola.

Angola Transport, Environment and Energy2007 / 2008
0166Technical Assistance to the Road Maintenance Fund

The project supported the implementation of the second generation Road Maintenance Fund (FMR) and introduced a more effective and dynamic management.

Guinea-Bissau Transport, Environment and Energy2007 / 2009
0167Synthesis reports on the basis of existing ROM Monitoring Reports for the Environment, NGO Co-financing, Health and Gender Budget Lines

The global objective of this project is to draw conclusions from the Results-Oriented Monitoring reports for the following Thematic Budget Lines under the responsibility of Unit EuropeAid/04:

Belgium Social Affairs2007 / 2007
0168Monitoring system for projects funded under the environment, gender and health budget lines

The global objective of this project is to monitor the Community's external assistance funded under the Thematic Programmes managed centrally at EuropeAid level.

Belgium Social Affairs2007 / 2007
0169Mid-term Review for support to Nigerian Electoral sector 2006 - 2011

Assessment of the programme's performance in terms of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the support to "Independent National Electoral Systems" (INEC) and Civil Society.

Nigeria Public Sector and Governance2007 / 2007
0170Analysis of the Management of the Global Fund 2nd Round in Botswana

The project's objective is to assist the Government of Botswana in the fight against HIV and AIDS by improving the capacity of the Botswana Country Coordinating Mechanism to access and manage grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM).

Botswana Partnerships and Financing for Development2007 / 2007
0171Support development of curricula and monitor pre-service and in-service training programs in Health Management Information Systems

The project's objective is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health care delivery through the strengthening of the Health Management Information System (HMIS), seen as a combination of people, equipment and procedures organised to provide health information enabling concerned stakeholders to make timely and informed decisions and use of information at various levels.

Zambia Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2007 / 2008
0172Evaluation of Call for Proposals in the Health Sector in 10 Provinces of Afghanistan”

The project aims the evaluation of proposals for provision of the following health services: "Basic Package Of Health Services" (BPHS) and  "Essential Package of Hospital Services" (EPHS). Evaluation topics included: technical and financial quality, compliance and elibility.

Afghanistan Public Sector and Governance2007 / 2007
0173Final Evaluation of the Support to the National Prevention and Identification of the Sexually Transmited Diseases /AIDS Project (Phase III)

Final Evaluation of the project nº 8 SE 003 - Support to the National Programme for Prevention and Management of STD/AIDS (Phase III).

Senegal Social Affairs2007 / 2007
0174Mid-term Evaluation of the Project PALOP - Public Administration Capacity Strengthening

The project main objective is to carry out an evaluation in order to ensure the project good execution and to improve its impact in Portuguese Speaking African Countries (PALOP: Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe).

Sao Tome and Principe PALOP Mozambique Guinea-Bissau Cape Verde Angola Public Sector and Governance2007 / 2008
0175Updating the Guidebook of Scholarships and Developing the Guidebook on Erasmus Mundus Master's Programmes

The project aims to enhance attractiveness of higher education in the EU for Russian students and for academic staff to study and do research and teaching in the EU.

Russia Social Affairs2007 / 2007
0176Elaboration of a Master Plan for the Justice Sector in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea

This project intends to provide the country with a coherent strategy in the justice sector (National Justice Plan). This Study will enable to provide enough information and justification to guide the Government of Equatorial Guinea on the justice sector, in the medium and long-term. The study will be based on a detailed identification work on the needs of the country's justice sector and must also be validated by the Government.

Equatorial Guinea Public Sector and Governance2007 / 2008
0177Personnel Management Information System (PMIS) in respect of Support to the Civil Service Project

This project supported the Government of East Timor (GOTL) in the establishment of an Information System to manage 12,000 employees. The project involved four main areas of work:

East Timor Public Sector and Governance2007
0178Food Security Support Programme relaunch

This project contributed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development (MINADER)  in the domain of food security in Angola. It aimed to create an institutional and regulatory framework that enabled the fulfilment of their objectives in the domain of food security. Specifically, the project aims to create an institutional and regulatory framework for MINADER, which enable the fulfilment of the objectives in the domain of food security. It is expected, also, that the MINADER actions and its services with direct executive responsibilities in the implementation of food security policies are better organised and justified policy.

Angola Social Affairs2006 / 2009
0179Study on the Restructuring of the Ministry of Assistance and Social Reinsertion

The intervention’s objective was to improve the quality and proximity of Social Assistance in Angola. In particular, it aimed to provide the MINARS with tools and a strategic vision appropriate to achieve its mid/long-term development goals, by integrating social policies in the country’s development strategy, marking an evolution from a purely assistance perspective towards a social development vision that is structured and structuring.

Angola Social Affairs2006 / 2008
0180Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade and Development of Competition

 The goal of this project is to identify the degree of development of Kazakhstan trade policy.

Kazakhstan Trade and Private Sector2006 / 2007
0181Project Preparation Facility for the Market-Oriented Smallholder Agriculture Project

The project aimed at a broad and sustained increase in the income of small farmers from target areas, by improving the efficiency of agricultural production and marketing actions. The Technical Assistance included the elaboration of studies for the project preparation and implementation and was mainly focused on the areas of market operation, land and natural resources tenure, rural financial institutions, rural infrastructure and fertilisers.

Angola Rural Development2006 / 2007
0182Technical Assistance to the Creation of a Professional Body of Accountancy and Auditors in Mozambique

The Technical Assistance aimed to create a professional body of accountants and auditors, with the following functions:

Mozambique Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2006 / 2007
0183Training Needs Assessment for Sector Planning and Budgeting in Government of Lesotho

The overall objective of the project is to build the capacity of the "Ministry of Finance and Development Planning" and Line Ministry Planning Units in the development, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of District -Sectoral - and Ministry - level plans and the operationalisation of these plans through Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEF) and the Annual Budgets.

Lesotho Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2006 / 2007
0184Technical Assistance for Macroeconomic Modelling to the National Planning Commission

The global objective of this assignment is to contribute towards the establishment of an effective and timely forecasting and analysis of macroeconomic variables/environment for the Government of the Republic of Namibia through:

Namibia Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2006 / 2006
0185Preparation of the Lesotho Country Strategy Paper

The overall objective of the consultancy is to assist the Government of Lesotho and the European Commission in strengthening of Lesotho-European Community development cooperation. The consultancy also aims to assist the preparation of the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for the 10th EDF.

Lesotho Partnerships and Financing for Development2006 / 2006
0186Governance Model for Angola’s Large-Scale Municipalities

The project contributed to the creation of a transitional operating mechanism through which large-scale municipalities, or those of special relevance, could build administrative, technical and management capacity to apply public resources in an autonomous manner.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2006 / 2007
0187Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Finance in the scope of the Public Business Sector

The project provided highly qualified support in monitoring the Public Business Sector and its financial control, developed contractual tools to be used between public companies and/or their managers, implemented the new National Directorate of Supervision, Monitoring and Control (DNSAC) and the preparation of processes, human resources and materials to ensure the ongoing legislative reform.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2006 / 2007
0188Study on Incentives in the Ministry of Health

The project reviewed the existing incentives system and developed cost models for a new incentives system that took into account the motivation of health professionals and the optimisation of the productive process of services in the sector, in order to achieve the organisational objectives, the efficiency and quality of health services.

Mozambique Social Affairs2006 / 2006
0189Diagnostic Study of the Public Administration in Guinea-Bissau

This project aimed to propose to the African Development Bank a comprehensive and coherent strategic vision on the restructuring of Public Administration in Guinea-Bissau, given the different interventions of development partners in this area.

Guinea-Bissau Public Sector and Governance2006 / 2006
0190Preliminary Draft of the Local Finance Act

Aiming at preparing a draft of a  Local Finance Law, the project advocated the reinforcement and accountability of the public sector, by ensuring the process of financial decentralization of the State, the creation of a local finance system supported by the existence of own revenues and developed on the basis of the principle of financial equilibrium.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2006 / 2007
0191Review of Funding Opportunities for the Development of Agrobusiness and Horticulture Exports

The promotion of horticulltural production and exports was the mais puropose of the Technical Assistance. The project concluded a diagnosis and inventory of the existing credit alternatives to finance investments in horticulture - vegetables, fruits and flowers - and suggested innovative funding approaches to foster the development of the horticulture sector. It also presented a formulation of innovative approaches to facilitate to credit.

Mozambique Rural Development2006 / 2006
0192Study on the Impact of the Economic Partnership Agreement on the Guinea-Bissau’s Economy

The project aimed to prepare the Administration of Guinea-Bissau for an effective participation in the negotiations of the Economic Partnership Agreements that the EC will sign with the ACP countries, and to strengthen the capacities of the private sector and civil society for the new framework resulting from current negotiations.

Guinea-Bissau Trade and Private Sector2006 / 2006
0193Technical Assistance to the Development of Methodologies for the Preparation of Sectoral and Provincial Programs

The global objective of the project is the reinforcement of the technical capacity of the planning units, at Provincial and Sectoral level, assuring their involvement and responsibility in the definition of economic development policies in Angola.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2006 / 2007
0194Evaluation of the Mozambique Country Programmes 2001-2006

The evaluation's objective is to revise the Development Cooperation Ireland (DCI) funds' application during the period of 2001-2005 in relation to Mozambique's' Strategic Plan 2001 - 2006. The report in the following will be presented to the Financial Department, available to the public in general and will be used for the orientation of the Development Cooperation Ireland's planning and for the next Mozambique's' Strategic Plan.

Mozambique Partnerships and Financing for Development2006 / 2006
0195Entrepreneur Manual - Gateway to Mozambique

The project consisted in the development of a guide to attract foreign investors to the Mozambican market. The manual included useful information on which to base investment decisions in this market, and provided a clear vision of the steps to take to materialise their projects, as well as the costs involved.

Mozambique Trade and Private Sector2006 / 2006
0196Study on Ornamental Rocks in Angola

This study aims to be a tool in the service of the internationalization of Portuguese companies in a sector in which the country has a major role in the context of world production. It was intended that this study could become a useful tool for Angolan entrepreneurs, who are not in the sector, but are interested in this high potential dynamic activity. It is expected therefore that this may be a tool for getting together Portuguese and Angolan entrepreneurs, boosting the sector, creating wealth and strengthening the  Luso-Angolan partnership.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2006 / 2006
0197 Review Studies of the Transport Sector in four Lusophone Regional Member Countries

The study aimed to assess and understand the development conditions in the transport sector, as a solid basis to design the Bank's intervention strategies in the transport sector, in four Portuguese-speaking countries of Central and West Africa (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Sao Tome and Principe) to:

Sao Tome and Principe Guinea-Bissau Cape Verde Angola Transport, Environment and Energy2006 / 2006
0198Implementation of the EU Action Plan on Climate Change and Development

The Council has requested the elaboration of a first bi-annual progress report of the implementation of the EU Action Plan on Climate Change and Development to be considered in the year 2007.

The Netherlands Germany Denmark Belgium South Africa Mozambique Indonesia Cambodja Transport, Environment and Energy2006 / 2007
0199External Evaluation of operational funds as an instrument of the EC cooperation with Chile

The projects' aim's to:

Chile Belgium Partnerships and Financing for Development2006 / 2006
0200EIDHR Evaluation on the Abolition of Death Penalty Projects

The overall objective of the project is to help the European Commission to improve the impact of EIDHR projects supporting civil society activities aiming at the abolition of death penalty.

Various Social Affairs2006 / 2006
0201Appraisal of the Two Legal Bases on Health, AIDS and Population

The overall objective of this evaluation will be to improve the design and the impact of the thematic budget lines related to Health, Aids and Population through the strengthening the European Commission's (EC) ability to draw on lessons learnt of past and ongoing interventions for future planning and programming exercises.

Kenya Burkina Faso United Kingdom Switzerland Belgium Partnerships and Financing for Development2006 / 2006
0202Evaluation of the Tacis programmes BOMCA and CADAP

The main purpose of this project was to review and evaluate the BOMCA (Border Management in Central Asia ) and CADAP (Central Asia Drug Action Programme) Programmes in Central Asia and make recommendations or the future.

Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan Kirgiztan Kazakhstan Partnerships and Financing for Development2006 / 2006
0203Mid Term and Final Technical Evaluation and Review Mission

The evaluation aimed to determine to what extent the projects have collectively succeeded in meeting the objectives of the EU as set out in the relevant country strategy paper and to what extent the projects have collectively contributed the Government of Albania to meet its objectives within the agreed framework of cooperation with donor countries.

Albania Partnerships and Financing for Development2006 / 2006
0204Evaluation and final audit to the “Support to the presidential elections in Guinea-Bissau

The project's overall objective is to improve the quality and management adequacy of future assistance projects to electoral events in Guinea-Bissau, namely to the local elections and others following financed by the EDF, assuring at the same time the strict observance of the financial, technical and contractual management principles of the European Commission, underlining the impact and the visibility of the cooperation in this field.

Guinea-Bissau Public Sector and Governance2006 / 2006
0205Development of a National Border Management Information System

The main project purpose is to extend the "National Border Management Information System" (NBMIS) into an integrated mechanism based on the design and tests made in phase 1 and assessment, which is covered through CARDS 2002.

Croatia Public Sector and Governance2006 / 2007
0206Management and EC procurement support to the Grant and Contract Management Unit of the Ministry of Public Health

The project aims to:• Improve the management and its structural organisation;• Prepare an evaluation of the strategy and risk and;• Become familiar with European Commission's procurement procedures.

Afghanistan Public Sector and Governance2006 / 2007
0207Entrepreneur Manual - Gateway to South Africa

Collection and selection of information for the elaboration of a guide in order to attract foreign investors to the South African market. Data collection aimed to provide Portuguese entrepreneurs with useful information to make investment decisions in this marke and provided a clear vision of the steps to accomplish their projects, as well as information concerning the costs involved.

South Africa Trade and Private Sector2006 / 2006
0208Cooperation EU - Andean Community in Statistics Issues

The project contributed to the integration project of the Andean Community of Nations and the strengthening of regional institutions. The intervention focused on the following areas:

Venezuela Peru Ecuador Colombia Bolívia Trade and Private Sector2005 / 2010
0209Technical Assistance to the National Milk Basin Development Commission

This project contributed to increase food security, improve the diet of the Angolan population, replace imports and increase the income of farmers through a better use of natural resources. It involved carrying out a diagnosis, a master plan and its respective follow-up plan for the implementation of the initial stages, supporting the local actions.

Angola Rural Development2005 / 2007
0210Training in Investigation of Value-Added Tax Fraud

The wider objective of the assignment is to enable Bulgaria and Romania to meet the obligations of the EU acquis concerning the protection of the Community's financial interests. Moreover, the technical assistance aims to provide "Anti-Fraud Coordination Service" (AFCOS) and partner institutions of these countries with the practical knowledge and skills concerning the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud in the area of Value-Added Tax (VAT) and, in general the protection of the financial interests of the European Union in this field.

Romania Bulgaria Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2005 / 2006
0211Support to the Strategic Institutional Reform of the ACP Secretariat including its Geneva Antenna

The project aimed to improve the effectiveness of the Secretariat of the ACP in fulfilling its institutional mandate as the body implementing projects funded under the intra-ACP resources, namely through:

ACP (African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States) Belgium Public Sector and Governance2005 / 2008
0212Analysis of the Remittances Market Portugal/ Brazil

The study involved carrying out a survey of the main characteristic of the remittances market between Portugal and Brazil, through the knowledge of Brazilian immigration in Portugal, their financial behaviour, their financial transfer practices and their regulatory framework.

Portugal Trade and Private Sector2005 / 2006
0213Functional Analysis and Planning of the Restructuring for the Ministry of Fisheries

The project aimed to create efficiency gains in staff allocation, use of resources, decision-making and communication systems, improve service delivery and policy design, ensure that functions and activities were operated at the adequate level of Government, and improve resource management systems. To this purpose, the intervention reviewed the role and functions of the Ministry of Fisheries and its subordinate agencies so that they could respond to the political priorities and establish an updated definition for the Government role.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance2005 / 2007
0214Technical Assistance to the Internal Control Directorate of the Ministry of Finance

The project aimed to improve the organisation and the management system of the National Tax Inspectorate, in order to increase the effectiveness of its internal control department.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2005 / 2006
0215Study on the Impact of the Southern African Development Community on the Positioning of Portuguese Companies in Angola and Mozambique

The main objective of this project was to promote and support Portuguese companies operating and/or intending to operate in Angola e Mozambique, by studying the regional market (SADC) of which these two countries are part.

Portugal Mozambique Angola Trade and Private Sector2005 / 2005
0216Update on 17 topics in the domain of Economic and Regulatory Information on External Markets

This project updated the information on regulatory aspects of markets in Morocco, Czech Republic, Tunisia and Romania, which were part of the Investment Guides previously prepared.

Tunisia Morocco Portugal Czech Republic Trade and Private Sector2005 / 2005
0217Facilitation for the Preparation of the 2005 Millennium Development Goals Progress Report

This project supported the elaboration of the 2005 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Progress Report, by providing substantive coordination, preparing the necessary documentation and reports for progress assessment meetings and leading the report drafting process, based on the feedback from consultations.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2005 / 2005
0218Study on Distribution and Logistics in Angola

Carried out a study on the development of the logistics system in Angola, aiming to promote the participation of private investors and the creation of strategic partnerships in/for the sector.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2005 / 2005
0219Study on the Improvement and Increase in Revenue Collection in Seven Municipalities

The project aimed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of managing operations and resource allocation in these municipalities, by reviewing the existing revenue collection practices and their potential. The study recommended a number of specialised services to increase their own revenues, in order to build capacities to respond adequately to the increasing demand of services and to improve the effective use of resources, according to their priorities in the service provision.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance2005 / 2006
0220Technical Assistance to Ensure Quality in the Management of Local Investments

The project aimed to improve the capacity of local administration in the management of local investments, namely in the domain of financial resources management and planning of works, procurement and contract management.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance2005 / 2007
0221Analysis of the Human Resources Situation in the Maputo Municipality

The study aimed to identify options for efficiency gains and savings, and to implement a good management and allocation of human resources that could be immediately adopted and implemented.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance2005 / 2005
0222Support to Cape Verde's Acession to the World Trade Organization

The project aimed to support the accession process of Cape Verde to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and optimise the results of the bilateral and multilateral negotiations on that process.

Cape Verde Social Affairs2005 / 2005
0223Diagnosis, Reformulation of Legislative Instruments and Technical Assistance to the Structure Supervision and control of the Public Business Sector

The project aimed to support the implementation of a new policy for the Enterprise Business Sector, involving a deep restructuring, at several levels, of the current situation, fostering the dynamisation of the country’s economy and contributing to the transition to a new phase, in which Angola can assume a determinant role in the restricted group of the most developed countries in the African Continent.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2005 / 2006
0224Mid Term Evaluation - Ad hoc Projects Programming ACP Secretariat (2002-2004)

The evaluation aimed to analyse if the projects' activities matched the stated objectives, the ACP Secretariat (African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States) institutional mandate and the main partnership principles of ACP/EU.

Belgium Partnerships and Financing for Development2005 / 2006
0225Mid-term Review of the second phase of the URB-AL Programme (2001-2005)

The mission assessed the level of contribution of the several projects proposed by the Programme for the objective of developing the direct and sustainable relationships among the European and Latin American local societies through the diffusion, acquisition and use of best practices in the scope of urban policies.

Germany Belgium Uruguay Peru Chile Brazil Argentina Partnerships and Financing for Development2005 / 2006
0226Mid Term and / or Final Technical Evaluation of the Selected PHARE / CARDS projects

The evaluation aimed to determine to what extent the projects have collectively succeeded in meeting the objectives of the EU as set out in the relevant country strategy paper and to what extent the projects have collectively contributed the Government of Albania to meet its objectives within the agreed framework of cooperation with donor countries.

Albania Partnerships and Financing for Development2005 / 2005
0227Mid Term Review of the KEPLOTRADE Project

The overall objective is to contribute to the timely establishment of a post Lomé trade agreement between Kenya (and a regional grouping of which Kenya is a member) and the European Union (EU) under both the Association Agreement with the EU and other regional agreements.

Kenya Trade and Private Sector2005 / 2005
0228Study on Reproductive Health Commodity Security

Under the Cairo Agenda (1994) main commitments, the EC Study on Reproductive Health Commodity Security looks forward to specify a sustainable strategy towards key reproductive health essential commodities secure supply (at country level).

India Belgium Mozambique Social Affairs2005 / 2006
0229Evaluation of the Second Phase of the Project: Institutional Support to the National Assembly of Angola

The present intervention aims to evaluate the second phase of the project “Institutional Support to the National Assembly of Angola”. It comprises the activities in the field of administrative and parliamentary law, of public and financial administration, of human resources development and training, of organisation, politics, liaison and communication between parliaments, having as principal advice and monitoring axes of the day-to-day Parliaments' technical and administrative activities and the elaboration of diagnosis documents, methodological, technical and sectoral recommendations that have the purpose of enhancing organisationally and functionally Angola's National Assembly.

Angola Public Sector and Governance2005 / 2005
0230Definition and Preparation of the Institutional Support activities for the implementation of the Strategic Framework for the Fight against Poverty

The project aimed to identify and prepare the support institutional activities of the multiannual programme of budget support (2003-2007).

Mali Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2005 / 2005
0231Procurement of a programme management specialist: post mid-term review implementation phase

The project's overall objective aimed to contribute for the speeding up of the delivery of the Financing Agreement signed between the European Commission and the Government of South Africa, in order to maximise the benefit accrued from Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) to South Africa's development priorities.

South Africa Partnerships and Financing for Development2005 / 2005
0232Functional Analysis and Restructuring Plan of the Ministry of Labour

The project aimed to review the role and functions of the Ministry of Labour and its subordinate agencies so that they can firmly respond to political priorities, establishing an updated definition of the role of Government.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance2004 / 2005
0233EuroBrazil 2000 Project / Support to the Modernisation of the State Apparatus

The project contributed to the strengthening of managing capacities of federal public service employees and to the improvement of public administration's relations with citizens. The European technical assistance also ensured a part of high-level training in Europe.

Brazil Public Sector and Governance2004 / 2007
0234Technical Assistance to the Financial and Technical Management of the Project to Support the “National Health Development Programme”

This project assisted the National Health Development Programme, in order to improve the primary health care services, the secondary and tertiary referral system and the efficiency of human resources management, and to implement infrastructures and equipments of a monitoring system.

Guinea-Bissau Social Affairs2004 / 2006
0235Support to the Modernisation of the Algerian Police

The global objective of the project is to contribute for the preparation of the security services dealing with criminal issues generated by the circulation of goods, persons and services.

Algeria Social Affairs2004 / 2005
0236Evaluation Mission of the Madagascar Indirect Food Security Programme

The aim of this project is to make an evaluation of the actions carried out by EuropeAid in Madagascar for food assistance, by the different projects of NGOs, in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and impact.

Madagascar Social Affairs2004 / 2004
0237Report on activities undertaken by the European Community in support of the African Region in the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

The objective of the project was to review the policies, the financial instruments and the projects of the European Commission (EC) which have contributed and support the sustainable management activities' of the dry areas in Africa, during the period from January 2000 to December 2003. The report comprised qualitative and quantitative information concerning several key aspects /indicators, for example:• Combating desertification, land degradation and erosion; • Sustainable land use management including water, soil and vegetation in affected areas;• Sustainable land use and management of rangelands;• Development of sustainable agricultural and ranching production systems• Development of new and renewable energy sources;• Launching of reforestation/afforestation programmes and intensification of soil conservation programmes;• Development of early warning systems for food security and drought forecasting;• Desertification monitoring and assessment;• Desertification/Sustainable land management and poverty reduction.

Belgium Transport, Environment and Energy2004 / 2004
0238Support to the National Legislative Elections

The overall objective is to contribute to the consolidation of democracy and stabilization of political situation in Guinea-Bissau through the Community contribution to the election campaign.

Guinea-Bissau Public Sector and Governance2004 / 2005
0239Technical Assistance for detailed preparation - Public Administration reform projects (CARDS 2003)

The evaluation aimed to determine to what extent the projects have collectively succeeded in meeting the objectives of the EU as set out in the relevant country strategy paper and to what extent the projects have collectively contributed the Government of Albania to meet its objectives within the agreed framework of cooperation with donor countries.

Albania Partnerships and Financing for Development2004
0240Support to the Development of the PALOP Statistic Systems - Training in SPSS and Calculation Methods (Sampling)

The objective of the Project is to improve the technical knowledge of National Statistics Institutes and PALOP National Statistics Systems in the use of SPSS and sampling techniques in the statistics operations and, more specifically, in the data handling of Enterprise Surveys, as well as in the preparation of Surveys using sampling.

PALOP Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2004 / 2005
0241Evaluation and Identification Study of New Actions for the Institutional Support to the Ministry of Planning

Angola Public Sector and Governance2004 / 2005
0242Identification Study of a Support Programme to the Regional Integration in Central Africa

The aim of the project is to establish the framework for the intervention of the community support to the economic and commercial integration of the Central African countries, both to the CEMAC institutions and to those of the member countries. The services delivered will be based on three fundamental components, namely:

Central African Republic Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2004 / 2004
0243Administrative Management for the Support of the Integrated Police Unit (IPU) at Kinshasa

The main objective of the Technical Assistance (TA) was to contribute to the reinforcement of the interior security and to the peace consolidation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC) through a performance contribution to the support programme for the creation of an Integrated Police Unit (IPU) aiming for the security of the States' institutions.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Public Sector and Governance2004 / 2005
0244Technical Assistance to the Continuous Training of Primary Education Teachers in Angola

The project aimed to support the improvement of the training process and to contribute to the institutional strengthening of the sector, by providing the Ministry of Education and Culture with elements for the decision-making and improving the training policy and the human resources management in education. The technical assistance was focused on three components:

Angola Social Affairs2003 / 2005
0245Mapping and Functional Analysis of the Ministry of Planning and Finance

The project aimed to contribute to the process of Public Sector Reform by:

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance2003 / 2004
0246Financing Plan for the Education Strategic Plan 2004-2008

The project contributed to the rationalisation of public expenditure in the sector, defining the financial needs and expenditure priorities, as a tool to be used in the negotiations between the MINED and the Ministry of Planning and Finance, and with cooperation partners. The intervention also looked for alternative funding options and partnerships with the private sector and civil society.

Mozambique Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2003 / 2004
0247Training Programme in Customs Valuation

The project facilitated the practical application of the Customs Valuation Agreement by organising and conducting a workshop for customs staff and private actors, within the International Trade operations.

Venezuela Panama Honduras Trade and Private Sector2003 / 2004
0248Consolidation and Sustainable Development for Fisheries and Aquaculture

Preparation of a study to prepare an Integrated Strategic Action Programme, an instrument for a sector policy based on the restructuring and future evolution of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Angola, aiming for their long-term sustainability.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2003 / 2004
0249Evaluation of the Projects Implemented by the ACP Secretariat

The Project aimed to:

Belgium Public Sector and Governance2003 / 2004
0250Needs Analysis and Project Design Pertaining to the Training of the Judiciary

This project aims to assess the needs pertaining to the training of the Judiciary, to breakdown and design the necessary programmatic activities in detail, as well as to prepare the relevant tender documentation for at least two ensuing projects.

Macedonia Public Sector and Governance2003 / 2004
0251Preparation for Extended Decentralisation Implementation System and Cohesion Funds for the Ministry of Transport and the Institutions Under the Responsibility of the Ministry of Transport

The project considered the:

Slovenia Public Sector and Governance2003 / 2003
0252Advice in four selected areas to the Turkish Statistics Institute

The project considers the production of comparable data compliant with EU regulations, in four different areas:

Turkey Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2003 / 2003
0253Training on Modern Desk and Field Audit Practices

The global objective of this contract aimed to set-up within the Valuation Department and Fraud Control Department a modern system for post-release verification in desk and field audit with documented manuals of procedures.The specific objectives of this contract were as follows:

Lebanon Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2003 / 2004
0254Technical Assistance to the Elaboration of the Long-Term Strategy Angola 2025

This project was the major prospective exercise carried out in Angola, containing an overall vision for the country and its international role, defining development priorities and setting guidelines for the development of various sectors.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2002 / 2008
0255Development of the SAEIMA Institutional and Administrative Capacity regarding the European Integration and Law Approximation

The project aims at the enhancement and improvement of the law approximation in Latvia and at the development of appropriate structures and institutions for effective adoption and enforcement of the acquis.

Macau / China Public Sector and Governance2002
0256Technical Assistance to the Consolidation of the “Public Investment Programming and Management System” - SIGIP

This project contributed to the improvement of capacities of the Ministry of Planning staff, through an experimental process aiming at the validation and operationalisation of the SIGIP, through its implementation, based on a series of methodological tools, such as the decentralisation of decision-making and the management of public investment, the methodology of information collection, the methodology of elaboration of the PIP, the methodology to follow-up implementation, or the management routines of public investment. The project also aimed to create the conditions for the evolution of the system based on programmes.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2003 / 2005
0257Technical Assistance to the Ministries of Economy and Finance, Education and Health - “Economic Reforms Support Programme”

The Technical Assistance (TA) intervened in the wider context of the strategy to combat poverty and the commitments made by the Government and donors to implement the necessary economic and social reforms. The project assisted the Government to improve, in a sustainable manner, public finance management, as an essential condition to ensure the proper implementation of economic policy and to improve the provision of basic services in priority social sectors (education and health).

Guinea-Bissau Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2002 / 2003
0258Restructuring of Autonomous Services and Funds

The project consisted in the survey of the existing situation in most public institutes, funds and autonomous services. From the diagnosis, the main constraints to the operation of the various bodies were identified We also defined some measures that could be introduced in the operation of these organisations, as well as other political measures that could contribute to overcome some of the identified anomalies.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2002 / 2003
0259Private Sector Needs Assessment

The project contributed to strengthen the activities of the African Project Development Facility (APDF) - a World Bank structure for the promotion of the private sector - and included the following activities:

Sao Tome and Principe Guinea-Bissau Cape Verde Partnerships and Financing for Development2002 / 2002
0260Continuation of the Assistance to the National Institute of Magistrates (NIM) and the Training Centre for Court Clerks (TCC)

The project aims the institutional strengthening and capacity building with regard to the institutional structure, functioning, support to human resources (education, staff training and training for trainers) and infrastructure development (e.g. equipment, information and communication technologies).

Kosovo Partnerships and Financing for Development2002
0261Identification and Development of an Integrated Rural Development Programme for the Cunene Province

This analysis of the technical and financial feasibility of the Integrated Rural Development Programme for the Cunene Province included, among other components, the rehabilitation and construction of social infrastructure (health centres, schools, etc.). The main outcome of the study was a complete Tender File, including the corresponding financial agreement, to be presented and negotiated with development partners (multilateral and bilateral).

Angola Social Affairs2002 / 2002
0262Training for the Civil Service Commission Members and Technical Staff on Administrative Procedures

The overall objective of the assistance is to support the Civil Service Commission (CSC) members in terms of implementation activities mainly in the area of the communication with all stakeholders. In particular:

Albania Public Sector and Governance2002 / 2002
0263Technical Assistance for the implementation of Reform Measures

In the scope of the “Reinforcement of Institutional and Administrative Capacity - Support to the National Programme for Decentralisation and Reform of the Public Administration of the Slovak Republic” programme, the project consisted in the design and delivery of 3 specifically targeted short-term training programmes addressed to meeting the needs of:

Slovakia Public Sector and Governance2002 / 2002
0264Development of the SAEIMA Institutional and Administrative Capacity Regarding the European Integration and Law Approximation

The project aims at the enhancement and improvement of the law approximation in Latvia and at the development of appropriate structures and institutions for effective adoption and enforcement of the acquis.

Latvia Public Sector and Governance2002 / 2002
0265Institutional Support to the National Authorising Officer

The purpose of the project is to aid the National Authorising Officer's (NAO) Support Cell in the field of project cycle programming and management, as well as of development cooperation analysis, and it involves:

Ivory Coast Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2002 / 2002
0266Design and Preparation of an Early Retirement and a Voluntary Resignation Programs

The project aimed at supporting and providing technical assistance to the Human Resources Directorate in the definition and implementation of an Early Retirement and a Voluntary Resignation Programme.

Mozambique Social Affairs2002 / 2002
0267Pre-feasibility study for a reform and modernisation programme for the State Customs Service

The project aimed at a more effective and efficient organisation of the Customs Service. This should in the mid-term/long-term lead to an increase in the state revenue on the one hand, and at the same time facilitate legitimate trade, while decreasing the illicit trade.

Ukraine Public Sector and Governance2002 / 2003
0268Case studies on the financing of social sectors

The aim of the project was to help develop, through five specific examples, a methodology based, as much as possible, on existing data, allowing a coherent follow - up of national and international financing in support of the Social Sectors (Primary Education and Health) in Tunisia, Mozambique, Benin, Tanzania and Bangladesh.

Tunisia Tanzania Mozambique Benin Bangladesh Partnerships and Financing for Development2002 / 2002
0269Support to the Administrative Reform

The project aims to evaluate relevant materials on government policies and measures in relation to the public administration reform looking and also at the specific institutional dimension of the public health, social affairs and civil aviation components.

Yemen Social Affairs2002
0270Terms of Reference elaboration for the Strengthening and Consolidation of the Russian European Centre for Economic Policy

The objective of the technical assistance was to write the Terms of Reference for the for the strengthening and consolidation of the RECEP as a sustainable centre, with an increased focus to its activities, so that it will have a greater impact on the reform process in Russia, taking into account the experiences of the previous TACIS RECEP projects.

Russia Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2002 / 2003
0271Final evaluation of the Structural Adjustment Facility II (FAS II)

Study of the effectiveness and impact of the reform programme foreseen in the scope of the FAS II, namely:

Tunisia Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2002 / 2003
0272Modernisation and Upgrading of the Operational Capacity of the Customs and Tax Departments

This project aimed at implementing the BCMP (Business Change Management Plan), under which the following priority activity was identified: organisation of training courses on the interpretation and implementation of bilateral treaties to avoid double taxation, for selected staff of the International Division and other Divisions of the Inland Revenue Department (IRD).

Malta Trade and Private Sector2002 / 2002
0273Support the Electoral Process Malagasy for Early Parliamentary Elections (2002) - Technical Assistance to the National Electoral Council

 The purpose of the technical assistance is to promote the revitalization of the National Electoral Council (NEC) and to assist its members to the set-up of an independent and impartial authority able to oversee the various stages of the electoral process, particularly:

Madagascar Public Sector and Governance2002 / 2003
0274Implementation of the Fiscal Administration Services in the Municipalities

As part of the Second Public Sector Reform and Strengthening Project, this intervention aimed to increase the effective collection of council tax by local government. To this purpose, the Technical Assistance strengthened the tax collection and tax revenue management capacities, at the municipal level; assisted in creating support structures for municipal tax services; develop the organisational structure of municipalities in matters of taxes and define the profile of human resources to be allocated; define the working procedures for the support structures for municipal tax services.

Cape Verde Public Sector and Governance2001 / 2002
0275Preliminary Study on “The Public System of Social Security in Mozambique

The study identified the existing protection systems and their limits, in order to define the reorganisation needs at institutional and financial level, aiming to adapt them to social risk management needs.

Mozambique Social Affairs2001 / 2001
0276Programming Guidelines for the Economic Development of Angola

This project supported the EDF National Authorising Officer in the collection and treatment of the existing information on the programme guidelines for the medium and long-term development strategy for the country, as required for the programming of the 9th EDF.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2001 / 2001
0277Rationalisation and Modernisation of the Bank of Cape Verde Information System

The project carried out:

Cape Verde Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2001 / 2002
0278Road Sector Institutional Support Programme

The overall objective of this project was to contribute to the strengthening of capacities of the transport infrastructure administration in Guinea-Bissau, with regard to the elaboration of strategic guidelines, the design and execution of the Master Plan for the Road Transport System, in the following components:

Guinea-Bissau Transport, Environment and Energy2001 / 2003
0279Study on Training Needs and Proposal of a Training System for Decentralised Planning

The project aimed to define a flexible system to strengthen the technical capacity of the planning departments of the National Directorate of Planning and Budget (DNPO), at provincial level.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance2001 / 2002
0280Study on Income and Pricing Policy

This study presented to the Government an alternative to the income and pricing policy and intervention instruments, after analysing the current situation. In this sense, the study analyzed the sectoral structure of the economy, its productivity conditions (production, factor costs and income) and income and the conditioning factors, with the presentation of a comparative analysis of the main relevant elements.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2001 / 2002
0281Training in National Accounts, Macroeconomic and Scenario, Statistical Analysis and Modelling

The project aimed to promote a culture of economic research in the country, as well as a national expertise in the analysis, planning, management and monitoring of macroeconomic policies, in order to present macroeconomic scenarios that supported the National Development Plan 2001-2005. It consisted of the development of a training programme in the above-mentioned domains and the elaboration of macroeconomics scenarios.

Cape Verde Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management2001 / 2002
0282Mid and Final Evaluation to the Capacity Building Project for the Promotion of the Private Sector

The project consisted in the elaboration of the mid-term and final evaluations that brought to practice a defined strategy for the Cape Verde's economic growth that was aimed to be based on two key-sectors of the economy, the Private Sector and the Financial Sector. In accordance with the Financial Agreement it was previewed the objectives accomplishing through the Governments' support in:

Cape Verde Trade and Private Sector2001 / 2001
0283Ethical Principles for Journalists and Public Officials

This project aimed at combating corruption in Slovakia and supporting the on-going National Programme of Fight Against Corruption. Responding to the efforts of the Anti-Corruption Steering Committee and its permanent Secretariat, the project intends to improve the transparency and good-behaviour in the media sector and public administration.

Slovakia Public Sector and Governance2001 / 2002
0284Terms of Reference Preparation for the Project ‘Restructuring and modernisation of the Cabinet of Ministers” - Action Programme 2000

Design of a project aimed at reorganising of the Cabinet of Ministers into a functional structure through an evolutionary process, and strengthen its political, legal and economic analytical and advisory capacity.

Azerbaijan Public Sector and Governance2001 / 2001
0285Design of comprehensive public administration reform programme and training of civil servants

Identification, Appraisal and Preparation of the Terms of Reference for a project aimed at supporting the Croatian Government in designing a comprehensive Public Administration reform programme and training of civil servants.

Croatia Public Sector and Governance2001 / 2001
0286Identification and Formulation of a Support Project for the Tunisia Media

The project aims to strengthen the role of the media, especially private media, in opening up of the political system of Tunisia and strengthen the relationship between the media and civil society. This will be achieved by the improvement of the training system, of the quality and operation methods  and media credibility.

Tunisia Social Affairs2001 / 2001
0287Assistance in Employment and Labour Market Policies and Interventions of the ESF - Experts in Labour Market 2000

The assistance involved technical support in bilateral meetings between the European Commission and Portuguese authorities for the discussion of the draft version of the Operational Programme for Employment, Training and Social Development (POEFDS) and the draft version of the Regional Development Plan 2000-2006, the analyses of the evaluation indicators system for the POEFDS, the analysis of the Report and the National Programme for Employment 2000, and advice on the Portuguese proposal for the Operational Programme EQUAL. We also collected and updated information on the labour market in the EU and in Portugal, both in statistical terms and in terms of policy measures announced in the EU and in Portugal.

Portugal Social Affairs2000 / 2000
0288Preparatory Study for the Ex-post Evaluation of the INTERREG IIC (South Western Europe)

This assessment of Portugal’s participation in the INTERREG II-C programme involved a review of the project selection process and the elaboration of a set of indicators for the assessment.

Spain Portugal France Partnerships and Financing for Development2000 / 2000
0289Evaluation of the Artisanal Fisheries Development Project

This intervention analysed the feasibility of a project to be funded by the African Development Bank, which was aimed to improve food security and significantly decrease imports, through an increase of fish production and of the population’s income.

Equatorial Guinea Trade and Private Sector2000 / 2000
0290Feasibility Study and Identification of an Economic Reform Programme for Cuba for the Health Sector

The study analysed the feasibility of the Economic Reform Programme for Cuba, describing the project implementation framework and the expected results and impact, verifying their relevance and preliminary efficiency, and laying the Foundation for a cooperation programme with several projects, including the financial and administrative reform of the health sector.

Cuba Social Affairs2000 / 2000
0291Design, Organisation and Implementation of a “Public Investment Programming and Management System (PROGIP)”

This project was part of the broader objective of restructuring the management system of public accounts, thus creating conditions for improving the management of public resources under the economic adjustment policy that the Government was going to implement.

Angola Public Sector and Governance1999 / 2001
0292Technical Assistance to the National Treasury Directorate (DNT)

The technical assistance supported the DNT’s restructuring process within the reform of public finance, namely in matters of State treasury management, control of revenue collection and payment of expenses, centralisation of the budget execution data, preparation of public finance statistics and financial programming.

Mozambique Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management1999 / 2002
0293Technical Assistance to the European Social Fund (ESF), aiming to Improve the Labour Market in the period 1997-2000

Evaluation of the use of the European Social Fund (ESF) and its adaptation to employment and training policy strategies and priorities in Portugal and in the European Union.

Portugal Social Affairs1998 / 2000
0294Technical Assistance to the Office of the National Authorisation Officer

The project aims the optimisation of the organisation, systems and operations of the National Authorization Officer (NAO), which involved the introduction of new methodologies and procedures for the management of EU assistance (throughout the project cycle), the development of databases and information systems to support the monitoring and implementation of projects and the training of the NAO technical staff.

Mozambique Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management1999 / 2002
0295Public Administration Programme: Organisation and Coordination of Training for Trainers Programmes and Training for Senior Management of the Public Administration Academy

The project contributed to the implementation of the strategy defined by the Macau Government on the continuity and location of public administration, in the context of the transfer of sovereignty to China in December 1999.

Macau / China Public Sector and Governance1998 / 1999
0296Improving Financial Management and Establishing Initial Capacity of the National Agricultural Development Programme

The preparation of a common financial management system for the Government of Mozambique and the different financial institutions involved in the National Agricultural Development Programme (PROAGRI) included areas such as budgeting, procurement, distribution of funds, expenditure monitoring and control, internal and external audit, accounting, approval and monitoring.

Mozambique Rural Development1998 / 1999
0297Feasibility Study for the Construction of 5 Fishing Piers

The feasibility study for the construction of five fishing piers (to be funded by the African Development Bank) on the islands of Santo Antao, Sao Nicolau and Santiago involved the analysis of the socioeconomic aspects of the fisheries sector and the economic and financial analysis of the project.

Cape Verde Trade and Private Sector1998 / 2001
0298Study on the Capacity and Future Role of the Mozambican SME Development Agency

This project carried out a strategic analysis and developed alternative scenarios for the IDIL (Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Industrial Local ) the Mozambican body for SME development. From this analysis, we established a strategic development plan and an action programme for the restructuring of the institute.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance1998 / 1998
0299Assessment Study of the Integrated Rural Development Programme

This study aimed at the reactivation of agricultural activity and food production in rural areas of the Maputo province, and the improvement of living conditions of rural populations, thus contributing to the reversal of migration flows towards Maputo and creating inclusion opportunities for miners returned from South Africa and unemployed people from Maputo.

Mozambique Rural Development1996 / 1997
0300 Support to the Regional Centre for Sanitary Development in Maputo

This project aimed to strengthen the technical capacities in the five Portuguese-speaking countries for functions related to the management of the public health system, which involved organising a 4-month training programme for 28 trainers from five countries, including a common module on general topics of Public Health and four specialised modules on Epidemiology, Health Education, Management of Health Delegations and Pedagogy. The trainees/trainers would then be responsible for a series of 4-month training courses and six 1-month workshops.

Sao Tome and Principe Mozambique Guinea-Bissau Cape Verde Angola Social Affairs1995 / 1999
0301Training for Trainers within the Strengthening of Public Administration

The project aimed at strengthening Public Administration in the Republic of Moldova, involving:

Moldova Public Sector and Governance1995 / 1998
0302Public Sector Reform and Capacity Building - Survey of Training Needs in the Municipalities and Design of Training Programmes

The Technical Assistance identified the training needs of municipalities and proposed efficient methods for carrying out those training actions.

Cape Verde Public Sector and Governance1995 / 1996
0303Tourism Management Plan Support

The project developed a tourism development plan for the Dominican Republic, with the aim of rationalising the available resources and introducing access criteria for hotel and tourism activity.

Dominican Republic Trade and Private Sector1995 / 1995
0304Training in Projects' Identification, Preparation and Evaluation

Vocational Training Courses on Project's Identification, Preparation and Evaluation, involving 90 trainees (directors and high level technical staff from different Planning Departments).

Portugal Zimbabwe Angola Social Affairs1994 / 1995
0305Intensive Training in Accounting and Implementation of an Accountants Association

The intervention included the promotion and development of a Training Institute for Accountants and an Accountants Association, as well as the organisation of a 3-year Training Programme in Accounting, aimed at 500 accounting professionals and providing a professional certification: technician, associate and partner.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance1994 / 1997
0306Institutional Support to the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Trade

Support to the organisation of the Institute for Business Development Support (IADE) and the Industrial Development Fund.

Cape Verde Trade and Private Sector1993 / 1998
0307Assistance to the Central Technical Unit of Projects

The project was responsible for the design and implementation of a new Public Investment Management System, which involved new methodologies, tools, procedures and functional routines, as well as the development of a new architecture of information and communication systems for the operation of the new model. The project also assisted the country’s budgetary reform and the training of high-level staff in public finance management, budget management and monitoring and evaluation of investments, as well as in-service training for operating the new system.

Mozambique Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management1999 / 2000
0308Cashew Rehabilitation Project

The project aimed at improving the technical, scientific and administrative capacities in the cashew industry, namely in factories in Angoche, Monapo and Nampula, improving the industry management capacity in order to achieve better productivity in the sector, and creating a research centre enabling the transfer of technical know-how.

Mozambique Trade and Private Sector1991 / 1998
0309Performance Review of Environment Management Agency

The project aims to contribute to the sound environmental management of Zimbabwe’s natural resources by improving the Environment Management Agency (EMA) performance in order for it to deliver on its mandate, vision and objectives in the most economic and effective way. In this sense, it will provide an independent assessment of the Environment Management Agency and Develop a Reform Strategy and Implementation plan to strengthen the strategic direction of EMA to improve on its effective, efficient and economic delivery of mandate in line with the development agenda of the country.

Zimbabwe Transport, Environment and Energy2018 / 2019
0310Value Chain Service Provider for Investment Feasibility

The project aims to ensure the improvement of productivity, production and market access for 50,000 eligible beneficiaries - in the provinces of Huambo, Malange and Bié - which are members of farmer associations.

Angola Rural Development2019 / 2021
0311Advisory to the Preparation for accession negotiations in the European Union

The project aims to strengthen the capacities of the Government of Albania in order to prepare for the EU membership talks subject to positive response by the Council on opening of negotiation. The ultimate goal is that the Albanian public Administration has a pool of excellence of officials who are highly skilled in EU affairs and able to effectively organize and conduct accession negotiations.

Albania Public Sector and Governance2018 / 2019
0312Technical Assistance to the National Drought Management Authority

The Technical Assistance aims to support the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) in the implementation of two EU-funded grant contracts with the overall objective of contributing to the realisation of the Ending Drought Emergency (EDE) strategy of the Kenyan Government. It will also guide the NDMA and Kenyan institutions involved in arid and semi-arid land strategies, policies and technical and operational issues related to the implementation of the Ending Drought Emergencies strategy of the Kenyan Government.

Kenya Partnerships and Financing for Development2018 / 2021
0313Abolition of Death Penalty Projects Evaluation

The overall objective of the project was to help the European Commission to improve the impact of EIDHR projects supporting civil society activities aiming at the abolition of death penalty.

Belgium Social Affairs2006 / 2007
0314Datta Collection for Environment / Natural Resources in Development Cooperation

The project's overall objectives are to implement an Environment integration strategy oriented Information Management Module within the available EC Information Systems and, then, to define a baseline of all EC funded actions in the area of Environment and Sustainable Natural Resource Management, to be used as a benchmark to measure progress (or deterioration) in the future.

Belgium Social Affairs2007 / 2007
0315Implementation and Monitoring of the industry and trade sectoral development plan

The contract focuses on medium-term economic and social development through industrial and commercial expansion. It aims to help the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MINDCOM) to execute and supervise the Sectoral Development Plan for Industry and Commerce 2023-2027, ensuring the transfer of knowledge for effective implementation and monitoring. The objective is to empower MINDCOM with tools to promote industrial and commercial development and effectively monitor Sector Plans.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2023 / 2026
0316Preparation of the Industry and Commerce Sectoral Development Plan 2023 - 2027

The contract focuses on medium-term economic and social development through industrial and commercial expansion. It aims to help the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MINDCOM) to execute and supervise the Sectoral Development Plan for Industry and Commerce 2023-2027, ensuring the transfer of knowledge for effective implementation and monitoring. The objective is to empower MINDCOM with tools to promote industrial and commercial development and effectively monitor Sector Plans.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2023 / 2023
0317Evaluation of the Call for Proposals “Value Chains”

The objective of the project was to achieve a high-quality selection process of projects following the 2016 call for proposals: "Inclusive and Sustainable Value Chains and Food Fortification". The Action title was "Strengthening and promoting governance and capacity at the global, continental, regional and national level, for all relevant stakeholders".

Various Social Affairs2016 / 2016
0318TA to Strengthen the National Directorate of Water - and the Provincial Water and Sanitation Utility - in Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity

The Technical Assistance (TA) aims to improve water sector governance, strengthen institutional capacity and efficiency in the water and sanitation sector institutions at central and provincial level, and improve access to sustainable water supply and sanitation services.

Angola Transport, Environment and Energy2018 / 2022
0319Baseline Study for the European Union Project for the Revitalization of Technical Education and Vocational Training

The Study aimed to contribute to adjusting the intervention of RETFOP (Project for the Revitalization of Technical Education and Professional Training in Angola) in order to enhance its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact potential and sustainability, taking into account changes context of the Technical-Vocational Education subsystem, the Vocational Training System and the employment situation.

Angola Partnerships and Financing for Development2018 / 2019
0320Identification Programme to Support the Reform and State Modernisation in Dominican Republic

The project foresees: - The support to the government of the Dominican Republic on the conception and start of fundamental state reforms to allow better management on public issues reinforcing the started democratization process;

Dominican Republic Public Sector and Governance1998
0321Technical Assistance to the Coordination of the PROCULTURA Action

The PROCULTURA action aims to contribute to the increase of employment and to the creation of income-generating activities in the cultural sector of Portuguese-speaking African Countries and Timor-Leste (PALOP-TL).  This Technical Assistance (TA) coordinates the project, supporting the PROCULTURA management team in the following areas: 1. Monitoring and evaluation; 2. Support for the creation and/or qualification of technical and higher education courses and/or professional training; 3. Monitoring of subsidized projects in the areas of music, performing arts and children's literature.

PALOP-TL Partnerships and Financing for Development2021 / 2024
0322EU-Canada Policy Dialogues Support Facility

Framed by the Partnership Instrument (PI) and in line with the overall strategic framework defined by the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy, the project supports the implementation of the EU-Canada Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA), EU–Canada Summit Commitments and, where relevant, the Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement (CETA), through expert and logistical assistance in targeted interventions. Specifically the project supports the implementation of concrete follow-up measures to the policy dialogues, provides updated information on the evolution, contents and results of the respective initiatives and seeks synergies in terms of business opportunities for EU companies in Canada in the context of the dialogues.

Canada Partnerships and Financing for Development2019 / 2022
0323Baseline Study of the EU Project for the Strengthening Food and Nutrition Resilience and Security in Angola (FRESAN)

The “Baseline Study of the EU Project for the Strengthening Food and Nutrition Resilience and Security in Angola” aims to update the food and nutrition reference situation in the southern provinces of Angola, specifically in Cunene, Huila and Namibe, where populations are most affected by the effects of climate change. In this context, a feasibility study will be carried out for an information and early warning system associated with food and nutrition security. The study envisages proposals for adjusting the action to better match the needs of the region and thus to have a greater impact.

Angola Partnerships and Financing for Development2019 / 2019
0324Final Evaluation of the Banana Accompanying Measures

The Technical Assistance aims at an overall independent evaluation of the overall performance of the Banana Accompanying Measures (BAM) program, with particular regard to the results achieved through the expected objectives and in particular as regards:

Dominican Republic Trade and Private Sector2019 / 2019
0325Baseline Data Collection for the Frutas and Legumes

The project is part of the International Finance Corporation's (IFC) investment in the company Frutas & Legumes Guiné Bissau SARL (F&L) with the overarching goal of promoting poverty escape and improved livelihoods through engagement in economic activites. F&L is Guinea Bissau’s first “organic” or “bio” certified cashew and fruits (mangoes) producer and exporter, since its establishment in 2014.

Guinea-Bissau Rural Development2017 / 2018
0326Support for Strengthening Vaccination Independence in Africa (ARIVA)

The programme measured the impact of the project ARIVA (Support for Strengthening Vaccination Independence in Africa), in each country and in the region as a whole in terms of fight against communicable diseases, particularly in what concerned the vaccination coverage of the priority diseases in the routine vaccination programme, the integration of this fight in the State's health sector strategies and the inter-agencies coordination.

Senegal Mauritania Mali Burkina Faso Benin Social Affairs2005 / 2006
0327Evaluation of EC Contribution to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research

The project aimed to provide the European Commission (EC) and the wider public with an overall independent and accountable assessment of the EC's past and current cooperation with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system and to identify key lessons from the Commission's past overall cooperation.

Philippines United States of America Mexico Italy Belgium Nigeria Kenya Benin Níger Rural Development2007 / 2007
0328Study on a triangular approach to enhance the Africa-EU Alliance perspectives

The Technical Assistance aims to identify the priorities of North-African countries’ in their increased economic interest and integration with Sub- Saharan Africa at regional and continental level and the way to adapt strategies, approaches and financial cooperation to factor in the challenge of the Africa-EU Alliance.It also aims to present concrete proposals on how the dialogue and the financial cooperation with North African countries could be adapted consistent with their objectives within the scope of the EU Neighbourhood Policy and in line with the new objectives set out in the Africa-EU Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs, thus setting up an approach for a triangular cooperation (Europe, North Africa, Sub-Sahara African countries).

North Africa Trade and Private Sector2019 / 2019
0329PRODESI Program (Production Support, Export Diversification and Import Substitution)

The PRODESI Program aims to contribute for the implementation of entrepreneurship support and business competitiveness component of the Institutional Strengthening Project for Private Sector Development.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2019 / 2020
0330Analysis and Updating the Existing Fishery Products Value Chain Development Study and Development Plan

The main purpose of the assignment is to conduct in-depth analysis of selected marine clusters, with the aim to promote the production of high value fishery, value-added products, import substitution, and export, in line with the PRODESI’s goals.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2019 / 2020
0331Development of a Comprehensive Strategy to Transform Business from the Informal to the Formal Economy in Angola

Develop a comprehensive and integrated Transition Strategy  from Informal to Formal Economy for business transition from informal to formal economy in Angola is the purpose of this consultancy.

 In order to understand the existing informality, an exhaustive diagnosis will be elaborated to identify the main constraints to be considered.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2019 / 2020
0332Technical Assistance to the Cooperation Support Facility II Programme

This Technical Assistance (TA) aims to provide consulting services (including communication & visibility) to support sound and effective implementation of EU-Timor-Leste development cooperation.

East Timor Partnerships and Financing for Development2019 / 2023
0333Review of the Legal and Institutional Frameworks of the Angola Water Sector

The Technical Assistance (TA) aims to review the legal and institutional framework of the Angolan Water Sector and will present a short term (2018-2025) Sector reforms implementation Strategic plan.The TA will contribute, namely, to:1) An harmonized Legal and Institutional framework for water and sanitation sector;2) Evaluate the current legal framework for the sector, and propose the required modifications to achieve the sectorial mission;3) Evaluate the ongoing restructuring process and propose actions to align it to the current context;4) Support the preparation of a sectorial plan / strategy.

Angola Transport, Environment and Energy2019 / 2021
0334Mid-Term evaluation “The Next Society"

THE NEXT SOCIETY Project aims at accelerating job creation and stimulating competitiveness in MED (South Mediterranean Partner Countries) by unlocking the major obstacles to the development of innovative enterprises, developing capacities and international linkages of leading innovation organisations, start-ups and clusters and increasing SMC's international market positioning in key sectors. Its Specific Objectives consider, namely:

Meda Region Trade and Private Sector2019 / 2019
0335Technical Assistance for the implementation of the EU-Angola Dialogue Facility

The Technical Assistance for the Implementation of the EU-Angola Dialogue Facility will contribute for the implementation of specific activities to strengthen policy dialogue between Angola and the EU, within the areas of common interest under the Joint Way Forward (JWF) agreement, signed in 2012, namely:

Angola Partnerships and Financing for Development2019 / 2023
0336Sustainable Business Platform for Africa in Uganda

The project aims to establish the Uganda EU Private-Public Dialogue Platform to carry on the momentum of the private public dialogue, which was created during the Promoting EU and Uganda Private Sector Investments programme. The platform will be tasked with engaging Uganda and EU private and public entities (on an ongoing and sustainable basis) in a policy dialogue for the improvement of the investment climate and business environment and exploring possibilities of new public-private initiatives. The ongoing work of the platform will include the strengthening of Uganda and EU investment collaborations by initiating trade and investment promotion events.In addition to the establishment and running of the platform, this assignment aims to ensure (via the platform) the monitoring, implementation and further elaboration of a series of Roadmap responses under three areas: Skills and attitude, Governance and Corruption and Access to Finance.

Uganda Trade and Private Sector2019 / 2020
0337EU Support to demand driven Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for Young people in Liberia

The project aims to enable Liberian youth to respond to economic growth opportunities by increasing their employability and entrepreneurship potential through strengthening TVET, including development of a demand-driven model of TVET provision. It will also aims to improve the quality, relevance and modernization of TVET, by strengthening links with the private sector, and by improving the governance, planning, management and delivery capacity at governmental and TVET provider levels through the promotion of equitable and gender-balanced access to TVET in target providers.

Liberia Social Affairs2019
0338Coordination Unit of the European Union Program for Resilience and Socioeconomic Opportunities for Guinea-Bissau Ianda Guinea! Nô Lanta, Nô Pega

The Ianda Guinea! Program Coordination Unit ensures the organization of this Program, to create synergies and added value, its monitoring, in order to guarantee an integrated intervention, that promotes learning for future interventions; it will also carry out the communication of the referred Program in a participatory manner.

Guinea-Bissau Rural Development2019 / 2024
0339Market study for Green agricultural products in target markets

Framed within the PALTRADE Project "Creating a Business Environment for a Green Economy in Palestine" which aims, namely, to develop the "green" capacity of Palestinian companies to reach global markets, this Market Study aims to gather, organize  and systematize information that will contribute to the formulation and presentation of a national policy, able to promote a favorable environment for the creation and implementation of economic enterprises in Palestine. Thus, market research and analysis will be carried out which, for the most part, constitute export guides and buyer profiles for 3 selected priority products (olive oil, dates and fresh herbs) for the selected strategic markets: France, Holland and Germany.

Germany The Netherlands France Palestine Trade and Private Sector2019 / 2019
0340Support to the Implementation of the Private Sector Development Component of the European Joint Strategy

This Assignment aims to support the Office of the European Union Representative, as the sector lead among the European Development Partners, and the Palestinian Authorities, in the implementation of the private sector development component - Sustainable Development.

Gaza Strip and West Bank, Palestine Public Sector and Governance2019 / 2020
0341Legal and Linguistic Support Project for the Turkish Cypriot community

The project aims to improve the linguistic and legal practices of the Turkish Cypriot community with a view to align them with the acquis communautaire – Eu Legislation. Specifically, it aims to enhance the quality, capacity and standardisation of translation and interpretation services, and to contribute to the “legislative process” and law drafting customs of the Turkish Cypriot Community.

Northern Cyprus Public Sector and Governance2020 / 2022
0342EU-Brazil Sector Dialogues Support Facility (Phase V)

The project aims to contribute for the strengthening and further enlarging EU-Brazil bilateral relations in line with the EU Global Strategy, the EU Strategic Partnership with Brazil, and other relevant agreements and documents by fostering new and existing sector dialogues and other cooperation initiatives on priority themes of mutual interest.In this sense, it will foster sector dialogues on specific priority areas of EU-Brazil mutual interest, will support the implementation on the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership and of other relevant agreements, Memoranda of understanding, concluded between the EU and Brazil.Know more about this project in this video (portuguese version).

Brazil Partnerships and Financing for Development2020 / 2023
0343Low Carbon and Circular Economy Business action in Canada

Low Carbon Business Action and Circular Economy is a doing business platform to accelerate the presence of European SMEs and small-mid caps on low carbon and circular economy related technologies in Canada.

Canada Transport, Environment and Energy2020 / 2023
0344Platform for the Roll-out of the EU External Investment Plan in Palestine

The Technical Assistance of the Platform for the Implementation of the European Union (EU) External Investment Plan in Palestine seeks to improve the identification, prioritisation and coordination of institutions related to the Palestinian External Investment Plan. It has the objective of establishing a policy dialogue with relevant stakeholders such as the Palestinian authorities, the private sector, international donors and international financial institutions.

Palestine Trade and Private Sector2021 / 2023
0345 Malange Province Territorial Development Project

Elaboration of a territorial development programme for the province, aiming to put in a long-term perspective - 2 decades - the region's major development axis:

Angola Rural Development2005 / 2005
0346 Organisation of Four Courses in Macroeconomic Analysis

Each course consisted of a Training Course in Macroeconomic Analysis involving 120 senior officials of the main responsible entities for the macroeconomic management in Angola. The course consisted of a module of general training and three specialization modules. The course had a total duration of 733 hours lectured throughout three months.

Angola Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management
0347Technical Assistance to Redesign the Remuneration System of Public Managers

The formulation of a proposal, coherent, coordinated and comprehensive of the status of public officials, comprising the corresponding remuneration system was the mais purpose of this Technical Assistance (TA).Specifically, the TA aimed to propose a status of public managers and competent remuneration system capable of:

Angola Public Sector and Governance2004 / 2004
0348Policy Support Facility for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

The Latin America and the Caribbean - Policy Dialogue Support Facility (PDSF EU-LAC) aims to deepen the EU’s engagement with the region on thematic areas of strategic interest. It will seek to advance policy dialogues where there is a high potential to advance, focusing on regional groups and countries who are willing and able to go further to promote common goals.

Various Partnerships and Financing for Development2020 / 2023
0349Technical Assistance to the Coordination of the PALOP-TL and European Union Cooperation Program

The Technical Assistance (TA) will help ensure the efficient coordination of the PALOP-TL/EU Cooperation Programme, and will support the programme's sustainability, through the identification of future modalities of cooperation. In this sense, the TA will directly support the Regional Authorising Office, based in Mozambique, particularly in deepening coordination mechanisms, consolidating and developing technological resources to support the programme's monitoring and enhance the partners' participation in the decision-making process, and in setting future strategies for the cooperation programme.

Mozambique Partnerships and Financing for Development2021 / 2023
0350Support to the Strategic Engagement of EU in the Lower Mekong Sub Region and the Mekong River Commission

The Project aims to achieve a balanced and socially just development of the Mekong River Basin while protecting the environment and maintaining the region’s ecological balance and to facilitate an effective and efficient Mekong River Commission (MRC) Development Partners Group to the MRC within its existing and future mandate.

Laos Transport, Environment and Energy2021
0351Technical Assistance to the Elaboration of the Industrialisation Programme of Angola 2013-2017

The project aimed at developing an intervention logic for the industrialisation programme, which is an instrument of the industry sector to contribute to the goals of the National Development Plan 2013-2017. It comprised an assessment of the national policies and guidelines for industrialisation, of the recent evolution and status of the Angolan industry, of lessons learned from previous programmes, and other countries experiences.

Angola Trade and Private Sector2013 / 2013
0352National Irrigation Plan for Angola (PLANIRRIGA) - Socioeconomic Studies

This intervention aims to ensure that the National Director of Irrigation ensures the best use of resources of Angola. More specifically, it intends to assess the current socioeconomic situation, serving as a basis to the elaboration of different development scenarios of the irrigation plan. It aims also to examine the economic and financial viability and social impacts of alternative proposals for the plan.

Angola Rural Development2008 / 2008
0353Market Study of the Angolan Provinces of Luanda and Benguela

This project aims at supporting the improvement of the Angolan entrepreneurial activity, from the point of view of the potential investor and the exporting company of goods and services, with the following specific objectives:

Angola Trade and Private Sector2003 / 2004
0354Diagnosis for the Rehabilitation of SUINAVE, Poultry Husbandry Industrial Unit

The overall objective of this project was to conduct an initial diagnosis of the unit after the ravages caused by the civil war and to conceive a financial /investment and technical plan to be implemented by Suinave in order to restart the activities of the company and its production. The recovery plan for this industrial unit included suggestions of measures to be taken, a proposal of a calendar for the implementation of the recommendations, and a global budget and project finance for the operations

Guinea-Bissau Rural Development2002 / 2003
0355Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) Mercosur

The main purposes of this project, comprising sectors such as mining, agriculture, food safety, animal husbandry, fishery, poverty, environment, macroeconomic policies, and infrastructures (among others), are the following:

Chile Partnerships and Financing for Development2012 / 2003
0356Continuation of Assistance to the National Institute for Magistrates and Training Centre for Clerks

The Assistance was provided in the following areas:

Romania Public Sector and Governance2002 / 2002
0357 Identification of the European Union's Economic Cooperation with Bolivia

The intervention aimed to analyse the present situation of the institutions, policies and tools that play a role in the development of trade and promote foreign investment. In this sense, the project

Bolívia Trade and Private Sector2001 / 2002
0358Support to Tourism Development in the Island of Santo Antao

The project's aims to develop a strategy for the tourism in the Island of Santo Antao, having in mind the following objectives:

Cape Verde Trade and Private Sector2000 / 2000
0359Study for the Creation of an Information System (Juridical Database) in each of the Portuguese-speaking African Countries

The project is part of the Regional Indicative Programme for Portuguese Speaking African Countries framework “Support to the Development of the Judiciary Systems”.

Sao Tome and Principe Mozambique Guinea-Bissau Cape Verde Angola Public Sector and Governance2005 / 2006
0360Programme to the Chief Directorate

The objective of the Mid Term Review was to evaluate the quality and the contribution of the "International Development Cooperation" (IDC-NAO Office) support programme towards the achievement of IDC's strategic objectives, as well as the management set-up and execution of the programme. Among the issues evaluated the following may be highlighted:

South Africa Partnerships and Financing for Development2004 / 2004
0361Advisory services in the areas of international trade and exports promotion, in support of the “Portugal Exportador” 2013-2017

Portugal Exportador is one of the largest national events dedicated to the internationalization and promotion of exports. The main objectives of the event include:

Portugal Trade and Private Sector2013 / 2020
0362Strategic Analysis to Support the Formulation of a National Local Development Program

With the general purpose to contribute to the development of the districts and municipalities of Mozambique , the contract aimed to provide the Government and its Partners with a deep and critical analysis of the processes linked to decentralisation, deconcentration and local development (highlighting aspects such as governance, finance, community participation, local economic development, service provision and inter-institutional coordination) as well as strategic recommendations to substantiate the design of a National Programme for Supporting Local Development (NLPD), which enhances, in particular, participative governance.

Mozambique Public Sector and Governance2016 / 2017
0363Identification of a Monitoring, Follow Up and Evaluation System of the Public Finances Reform Programme

This project assisted the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) of Guinea-Bissau in the improvement of its Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system of the Public Finance Management System (PFMS) Reform Programme.
 The PFMS Reform Programme, as well as its Steering Committee, were established in July 2015 with the aim of modernising Public Finance Management, rendering it more transparent and accountable.

Guinea-Bissau Public Sector and Governance2016 / 2016
0364Final Evaluation of the Agriculture Productivity Improvement Programme

The Agriculture Productivity Improvement Programme (PAPA) focuses on three main intervention axes:

Cameroon Rural Development2017 / 2017
0365European Union Trade Support Programme: Elaboration of the Project Identification Fiche

The Technical Assistance (TA) aimed at the identification and formulation of the project Train for Trade (TfT), financed by the European Union (EU) and implemented in joint management by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The TfT's main objective was the enhancement of the local capacity to diversify the economy, negotiate and implement multilateral and regional trade agreements, with a particular focus on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Trade Protocol and the participation of Angola in the SADC Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

Angola Trade and Private Sector2012 / 2013