From Experience to Intelligence
From Experience to Intelligence

Preparation of the Lesotho Country Strategy Paper

The overall objective of the consultancy is to assist the Government of Lesotho and the European Commission in strengthening of Lesotho-European Community development cooperation. The consultancy also aims to assist the preparation of the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) for the 10th EDF.

The CSP comprises a country strategy with a comprehensive diagnosis of the problems, an outline of the response strategy and a indicative programme translating the response strategy into operational terms.




Partnerships and Financing for Development

Duration of assignment

May 2006 / September 2006


European Union Delegation to Lesotho
NAO-EDF (National Authorising Officer of the European Development Fund)

Funded by

EDF (European Development Fund)

Other Projects Of Lesotho

Other Projects Of Partnerships and Financing for Development