From Experience to Intelligence
From Experience to Intelligence

Technical Assistance for detailed preparation - Public Administration reform projects (CARDS 2003)

The evaluation aimed to determine to what extent the projects have collectively succeeded in meeting the objectives of the EU as set out in the relevant country strategy paper and to what extent the projects have collectively contributed the Government of Albania to meet its objectives within the agreed framework of cooperation with donor countries.

It also aimed to learn lessons for future application in the management of future projects and programmes under the CARDS National Action Programme for Albania.

The mission involved the evaluation of projects in the following areas:

• Democratic stabilisation projects (namely Albanian Youth Network for European Integration, Albanian Family Planning Association, National, Association Friends of Children, National Albanian Centre for Social Studies, Sustainable Economic Development Agency, Albanian Institute for International Studies and Women's Centre projects);
• Support for Vocational Education and Training;
• Police Development;
• Master plan for remand prisoners (Twinning);
• Removal and disposal of arsenic solution;
• Technical assistance to the Water Project Management Unit (PMU) (several contracts).




Partnerships and Financing for Development

Duration of assignment

March / May 2004


European Commission

Other Projects Of Albania

Other Projects Of Partnerships and Financing for Development