From Experience to Intelligence
From Experience to Intelligence

Private Sector Needs Assessment

The project contributed to strengthen the activities of the African Project Development Facility (APDF) - a World Bank structure for the promotion of the private sector - and included the following activities:

  • Survey of the private sector needs in terms of access to funding and consultancy services;
  • Analysis of the local industry of consultancy services and assessment of their needs;
  • Analysis of the local industry of financial services and assessment of their needs;
  • Identification of local consultants who would be able to prepare and operate databases of SME, financial institutions, SME support programmes;
  • Development of an Action Plan for the APDF in each of the three countries.


Cape Verde
Sao Tome and Principe


Partnerships and Financing for Development

Duration of assignment

June 2002 / July 2002


World Bank

Funded by

World Bank

Other Projects Of Sao Tome and Principe

Other Projects Of Partnerships and Financing for Development