From Experience to Intelligence
From Experience to Intelligence

Organisation of Four Courses in Macroeconomic Analysis

Each course consisted of a Training Course in Macroeconomic Analysis involving 120 senior officials of the main responsible entities for the macroeconomic management in Angola. The course consisted of a module of general training and three specialization modules. The course had a total duration of 733 hours lectured throughout three months.

The first Module (Module A) aims to transmit the foundations of the theory and macroeconomic analysis, assuring the basic adequate qualifications of training.

The remaining modules of specialization had covered the following topics:

• Module B1: Structural Adjustment Politics;
• Module B2: Financial Politics;
• Module B3: Monetary Politics.




Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management

Duration of assignment



Ministry of Planning

Funded by

WB (World Bank)

Other Projects Of Angola

Other Projects Of Macro Economy, Statistics & Public Finance Management