From Experience to Intelligence
From Experience to Intelligence

Strategic Analysis to Support the Formulation of a National Local Development Program

With the general purpose to contribute to the development of the districts and municipalities of Mozambique , the contract aimed to provide the Government and its Partners with a deep and critical analysis of the processes linked to decentralisation, deconcentration and local development (highlighting aspects such as governance, finance, community participation, local economic development, service provision and inter-institutional coordination) as well as strategic recommendations to substantiate the design of a National Programme for Supporting Local Development (NLPD), which enhances, in particular, participative governance.

The results to be achieved are:

  • Institutional frame working and clarification of consultancy service expectations;

  • Validated Methodology and work plan;

  • Characterisation and prospective analysis of decentralisation process in Mozambique;

  • Conception and formulation of Strategic Recommendations for the Formulation of the National Local Development Plan.




Public Sector and Governance

Duration of assignment

October 2016 / April 2017


National Directorate of Planning and Budget
Ministry of Economy and Finance

Funded by

Ministry of Economy and Finance
National Directorate of Planning and Budget

Other Projects Of Mozambique

Other Projects Of Public Sector and Governance