From Experience to Intelligence
From Experience to Intelligence

Study of the Agricultural Sector in the Process ECOWAP / CAADP (Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme)

The Ministries of Rural Development (Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries) therefore wish to strengthen their sectoral planning and programming capacity to extract a Priority Action Plan of the National Agricultural Policy (PAP-SAN) credible and applicable over the period 2012 -2014, from the National Agricultural Investment and Food Security Plan (PNIASA) over 5 years.

This PS-SAN will be used later in the preparation of the MTEF (part of the Medium-Term Expenditure) sector and on solid and consistent with the PNIASA and strategy documents.

To achieve this objective, this mission focuses on:
(i) Strategic planning in a sectoral approach, encryption/"costing" the PAP-based SAN PNIASA of encryption and;
(ii) Support Staff Ministries involved in developing these two documents.

The Study should recommend reforms (structural, institutional, policy, procedural,etc) and mobilization efforts (Ministry of Economy and Finance, Planning and Cooperation, technical Ministries of the Rural sector, Civil Society, Private Sector, TFP). The study should in particular reconciling the design of a sectoral approach in the medium-term with the urgency of its use in favor of PNIASA Guinea and Guinea GAFSP short-term.


Guinea Conakry


Rural Development

Duration of assignment

Maio 2011 / Setembro 2011


European Commission

Funded by

European Commission

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