Cooperation EU - Andean Community in Statistics Issues
The project contributed to the integration project of the Andean Community of Nations and the strengthening of regional institutions. The intervention focused on the following areas:
- Transfer of European experience in statistical integration to the Andean Community, as one of the supporting elements for the regional integration and for creating a Common Market;
- Strengthening of the work between different national statistical services and the services of the Andean Community’s statistical community, paying special attention to the community statistics necessary to support the creation of a Common Market and the process of harmonisation of macroeconomic policies. EUROSTAT and the network of National Statistical Institutes of all Member-States shared their experience in statistical harmonisation.
- Harmonisation between statistical methodologies used in the Andean Community and the European Union.
In order to achieve these objectives, experts worked in the following statistical areas:
- Institutional Support: training and capacity building in statistics; dissemination of statistical information; image and institutional strengthening;
- International Trade and Transports: international trade of commodities; transport statistics;
- National Accounts and other macroeconomic statistics: Foreign Direct Investment; National Accounts statistics; macroeconomic statistics (excluding National Accounts);
- Business and Territorial Statistics: administrative records, directories and samples; agro-livestock statistics; manufacturing statistics;
- Poverty statistics: survey of household units.