From Experience to Intelligence
From Experience to Intelligence

Review Studies of the Transport Sector in four Lusophone Regional Member Countries

The study aimed to assess and understand the development conditions in the transport sector, as a solid basis to design the Bank's intervention strategies in the transport sector, in four Portuguese-speaking countries of Central and West Africa (Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Sao Tome and Principe) to:

  • Improve the dialogue policy with Member-States on development policies for the transport sector;
  • Allocate resources and coordinate development activities for pre-identified projects and programmes in which other financial donors are involved.

In particular, the study assessed:

  • The current transport demand and the supply of transport services, at national and regional level, in the four countries;
  • The capacity building and institutional development needs, within the necessary restructuring of the sector;
  • A review of the institutional framework, the maintenance needs, the funding mechanisms, public expenditure, and issues related to security, operation, regulation and management;
  • The sectors strengths and weaknesses, including political and institutional issues that are relevant for users and other stakeholders of the transport sector.


Cape Verde
Sao Tome and Principe


Transport, Environment and Energy

Duration of assignment

June 2006 / December 2006


AfDB (African Development Bank)

Funded by

AfDB (African Development Bank)

Other Projects Of Sao Tome and Principe

Other Projects Of Transport, Environment and Energy